No, I am not implying people that watch anime. I watch anime too, believe it or not. ALSO: This is comedy. Stop getting butthurt and just finish reading this sentence after you see ".". Nvm, why do I even bother, people will already post: Mr360FootLover69: Oh my god, stop making fun of Sword Art Online. MissPinappleLady141512526263737357375387383835: Wow, Death Note is the best thing I ever watched, I bet you watch spongebob with your dad all day. PickleDip22222: Sorry, Dragon Ball Z is the best thing I ever watched. Dragon Ball Evolution sucks! omgSaitamaFistMe: Goku sucks. Sorry. Anyways, I'm bored, I want to create another spam thread, so uh, lets get started. 1. People who actually think they can learn crap from anime. -I know what every word means when the opening starts in an anime. I THINK I KNOW JAPANESE NOW! -I know every Jutsu sign ever created. WATER RELEASE: CHOKING HAZARD ATTACK! -I know every style to unleash my Bankai. BANKAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! -I know real romance. I seen Kirito and Asuna get it down, real good. -If I train everyday, I can become the legendary Saitama and be able to destroy mountains, irl. -If I find a random notebook in the sky and write someone's name on it, I can kill anybody. -I can use the soul of other people to create this sword. -If I find the one piece, I can become the next Luffy! JUST STOP. 2. The uh... people who watch "stuff" animes... -I feel really bad for you and that you actually watch that nasty crap. -Its animated. ANIMATED. You weaboos will stay loyal and watch anything but it has to be anime-related. Even if it has to be henta-. 3. People who dream to go to Japan and think that chararistics will tranfer over to real life. -Nobody has eyes the size of potatos -Nobody has these like weird emojis with like big water drops next to their head or when they are embarrased their entire face will turn like blood red. -Nobody talks "drammatically" as in like, I don't know how to explain it. Like the character ALWAYS talks like they are mad or about to cry, lol. -Plot power. Change anybody's mind with the simple: talk to them like in Naruto 4. What I hate the most: Constant Fanboy-ism. -If you talk smack: You get smacked -If you smack: the smacker like you gets smacked -Fanboys don't ever end the arguement just to protect their anime which will prob be history in the next century. -If this is you ^^^^^^^^^^^. Please, reconsider that you have destroyed the anime-world history and the glory it was back then. 5. Weird things to do to prove you like anime include: -Painting your house with anime characters. -Putting books, posters, EVERYWHERE, and I mean EVERYWHERE on your house. Nothing wrong with -keeping it in your room, but in your entire house? really? bruh. -Buying katanas and crap and then cleaning it everyday. Like really? I bet 90% of everybody who has bought a katana for showcase purposes has never used it. -Have a list of fav anime char's names that go way back to the 12th century. uh so yeh. thats it. bye.
( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) Mhmm... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Mhmm... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °) Mhmm... (͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ) Everyone can do whatever they want... So why don t you make a thread like "I'M 12 AND I LIKE ROCK AND METAL" too? Or "I'm 18+ and I still play minecraft!"
I don't play Minecraft, lol. I used to. Also, those kinda of topics are boring as heck. I get a lot of my inspiration from my immaturity.