Hello internet strangers. Intro to the introduction. This is Ares. Your most positive player on this entire server. :> I don't remember if I made an introduction or not. Nor am I interested if I did. I'll just explain who I am, what I do, blah blah... whatever you put in an introduction. Who I am. My name is Ares. I'm an 18 year old college student from the Netherlands. I had a cat, Poekie. Passed away last Tuesday. Now I'll be picking up a German Shepherd puppy. I study boring IT stuff. When I say ''boring IT stuff'' I'm referring to basic hardware, software, and network knowledge, and helpdesk. Really I'm just studying things I already know. However helpdesk is a bit new to me. But that isn't exactly interesting... for example.. ''Yes hello my name is John from the cooking department. My computer has no network connection. '' ''Hello sir. Is the network cable plugged in?'' ''Holy sh**. You are a genius!'' History. Worked at a company where I assembled computers. Primarily used for gaming. Assembled over 4000 computers. Installed more than that. Things I plan on doing. After college I'm hoping to study more interesting subjects. Such as hardware engineering, cyber security, computer science, and whatever comes next. Maybe even just travel the world with my girlfriend and puppy. Activities. Pfft...what else.... I like some sports. Soccer, martial arts...going to the gym is not a sport...right? If it is then that would be one of them. I enjoy lego's. The bigger and more technical objects. Uhm. And other massive projects. I enjoy...gaming, obviously.. I like to tell people how their knowledge on hardware is incorrect. I enjoy to give people my seal of approval before they purchase any hardware or assemble their system. If not, boo boo to them. Something idkwhatheadertouse. In a few months (after VEGA, Kaby and TI's have launched) I'll be assembling a new liquid cooled computer. My current budget is around 7,500 Euro's for the system. I'll take screenshots/videos of my process. Extra..info? A lot of people consider me as a stubborn person. Something which I will not disagree with. However I will disagree with the fact that I am a soulless person. I donate to various charities every month. That includes to a charity dedicated to helping starving children... @PerfectAly ... I also volunteer at various animal shelters and charity events. Sometimes it'll be raising money for the Red Cross, or anything really. Or allowing children... @PerfectAly ... to play and have a childhood. My perspective may be different from others. I am not one to believe that everyone should be a positive person all the time. I live by a few things that I saw in online meme's when I was 14. ''If it looks stupid but works, it's not stupid.'' ''There is a difference between a perspective, and your opinion. I may recognize your perspective or opinion, doesn't mean I have to respect or agree with it''.
Simply because they are aware of my existence doesn't mean they know me on a more personal level. That's why we have introductions.
I liked you for your brutal honesty. If I had to name one thing I remember about you it would be... you cracking jokes even though you seemed so serious (in perfect grammar of course). Welcome - (Mookie)
Let's have some fun in Survival (hopefully) now that my mind is off moderating :D Try to go back to the old Survival days? ;)