Firebenders Fire Stream /bending bind FireStream Fire Stream is the most fundamental bending technique of a firebender. To use, simply left-click in any direction. A line of fire will flow from your location, igniting anything in its path. Arc of Fire /bending bind ArcOfFire Arc of Fire is the more powerful but less exact version of Fire Stream. To use, simply left-click in any direction. An entire arc of fire will flow from your location, igniting anything in its path. Ring of Fire /bending bind Ring of Fire Ring of Fire is perhaps the most reckless technique in a firebender's arsenal. To use, simply left-click. A circle of fire will emanate from you, engulfing everything around you. Use with extreme caution. Heat/Melt /bending bind HeatMelt Heat/Melt is one of two utility techniques at a firebender's disposal. To use, simply left-click. Any meltable blocks around that target location will immediately melt. Additionally, any obsidian will turn back into lava. Fireball /bending bind Fireball Fireball is the most powerful of a firebender's skillset. To use, simply left-click in a direction. A large ball of fire will launch from your fist, exploding on contact and occasionally catching nearby things on fire, as well as destroying parts of the environment. Extinguish /bending bind Extinguish Extinguish is the other of the two utility techniques a firebender has. While this ability is selected, the firebender becomes impervious to fire damage and cannot be ignited. If the user left-clicks with this ability, the targeted area will be extinguished, although it will leave any creature burning engulfed in flames. Airbenders Air Blast /bending bind AirBlast AirBlast is the most fundamental bending technique of an airbender. To use, simply left-click in a direction. A gust of wind will be created at your fingertips, launching anything in its path harmlessly back. Additionally, the airbender can create a sustained gust by sneaking (default: shift). A gust of air can extinguish fires and cool lava. For the opposite of this ability, see Air Suction. Air Suction /bending bind AirSuction Air Suction is the opposite technique of Air Blast. To use, simply left-click in a direction. A gust of will will originate as far as it can in that direction and flow towards you, sucking anything in its path harmlessly with it. Skilled benders can use this technique to pull items from precarious locations. Air Swipe /bending bind AirSwipe Air Swipe is the single overtly offensive technique airbenders have. To use, simply left-click in a direction. An arc of air will flow from you towards that direction, cutting and pushing back anything in its path. Its damage is minimal, but it still sends the message. This ability will extinguish fires, cool lava, and cut things like grass, mushrooms and flowers. Air Shield /bending bind AirShield Air Shield is one of the most powerful defensive techniques in existence. To use, simply sneak (default: shift). This will create a whirlwind of air around the user, with a small pocket of safe space in the center. This wind will deflect all projectiles and will prevent any creature from entering it for as long as its maintained. Tornado /bending bind Tornado Tornado is the one of the most powerful utility techniques in existence. To use, simply sneak (default: shift). This will create a swirling vortex at the targeted location, which will pick up any creature caught in it. Any creature or object caught in the vortex will be launched up and out in some random direction. If another player gets caught in the vortex, the launching effect is minimal. Tornado can also be used to transport the user. If the user gets caught in his/her own tornado, his movements are much more manageable. Provided the user doesn't fall out of the vortex, it will take him to a maximum height and move him in the general direction he's looking. Skilled airbenders can scale anything with this ability. Air Bubble /bending bind AirBubble Air Bubble is actually functionally identical to the waterbending Water Bubble. To use, the bender must merely have the ability selected. All water around the user in a small bubble will vanish, replacing itself once the user either gets too far away or selects a different ability. Earthbenders Earth Blast /bending bind EarthBlast Earth Blast is the most fundamental bending technique of an earthbender. To use, place your cursor over an earthbendable object (dirt, rock, ores, etc) and tap sneak (default: shift). The object will temporarily turn to stone, indicating that you have it focused as the source for your ability. After you have selected an origin, simply left-click in any direction and you will see your object launch off in that direction, smashing into any creature in its path. If you look towards a creature when you use this ability, it will target that creature. A collision from Earth Blast both knocks the target back and deals some damage. You cannot have multiple of these abilities flying at the same time. Earth Column /bending bind EarthColumn Earth Column is one of the hallmarks of earthbenders. To use, simply left-click on an earthbendable block. A column of earth will shoot upwards from that location. Anything in the way of the column will be brought up with it, leaving talented benders the ability to trap brainless entities up there. You cannot use this ability on a column that was formed with this ability. For the reverse of this ability, see Compact Column. Earth Wall /bending bind EarthWall Earth Wall is another one of the hallmarks of earthbenders. To use, simply left-click on an earthbendable block. A wall of earth will shoot upwards from that location. Anything in the way of the wall will be brought up with it. This ability will not affect columns or walls created by Earth Column or Earth Wall. Compact Column /bending bind CompactColumn Compact Column is actually the reverse of Earth Column. To use, simply left-click on an earthbendable block. That block and the earthbendable blocks above it will be shoved back into the earth below them, if they can. This ability does have the capacity to trap something inside of it, although it is incredibly difficult to do so. Earth Grab /bending bind EarthGrab Earth Grab is a technique earthbenders use to imprison their targets. To use, simply left-click while targeting a creature within range. This ability will erect a circle of earth to trap the creature in. Catapult /bending bind Catapult Catapult is the risky and stubborn way to get around. To use, left-click while looking in the direction you want to be launched. A pillar of earth will jut up from under you and launch you in that direction - if and only if there is enough earth behind where you're looking to launch you. Skillful use of this ability takes much time and work, and it does result in the death of certain gung-ho earthbenders. If you plan to use this ability, be sure you've read about your passive ability you innately have as an earthbender. Earth Tunnel /bending bind EarthTunnel Earth Tunnel is a completely utility ability for earthbenders. To use, simply sneak (default: shift) in the direction you want to tunnel. You will slowly begin tunneling in the direction you're facing for as long as you sneak or if the tunnel has been dug long enough. (Next post has the rest of the information.)