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  • Amnesty Sub-Forum

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Spice, Dec 26, 2013.



    1. Yes.

    2. No. Also, im going to force you to not click this. how? if you click this, youre a bad person. (aka

      0 vote(s)
    1. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      I've seen a couple "future ban appeals" and I've been looking around, and there isn't an amnesty section. What it's used for, is to "plead mercy" of sorts before someone finds out, and you get banned. I'm sure that there are people who've done things they shouldn't have, and kinda want to fess up. It might not be used much, but it could be something to make people feel better. I saw this on the other forums, and if it IS on these forums, then I'm just stupid and this thread can explode. Just sayin. If it isn't called amnesty, then I'm just f***in stupid. Thanks for wasting 3 minutes of the time you have left to read this! ^^

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