Hello everyone i'm the owner of /warp market on the mineverse.com skyblock server. I have had many people asking me all kinda of things about my new shop, old shop, how I build my shops, and many other things, so I decided to make this AMA (ask me anything) so you could get to know me better. So ask away :D Edit: Be sure to tag people that want to ask a question but cant find this. Ex: @melgrath
Because the Bananaman and friends display is for you and your alts, if none of your alts are on in it, then it will stay empty.
Im going to hold you up to that. :P i will even bring an alt or 2 of mine on to join the party. The room im building across from the display room should be done by then too :D.
His warp is popular, and as he said, people are apparently asking him to add stuff/how he made the shop.
His warp is popular, and people have been asking him questions about it. It is more organized for players to ask here, rather than spamming him in-game. I understand why you're confused, but he wouldn't do this if he wasn't being asked questions about his warp constantly. It may not make sense to you, but it makes sense to him. xD
I just see absolutely no point. You could simply get the suggestions in-game. I mean, it's not that difficult.
I would agree but from what I can see from this thread he is apparently spammed "too much" in-game so he gets confused etc. etc. That is why he made an AMA. Spoiler Basically he can't handle people messaging him in-game asking him: Add "Insert item here"
Froe is a popular long time skyblock player who's had some of the most popular islands/shops on the server. Not just a random who happens to have a warp. Anyway, Out of all the islands/shops you made, which was your favorite?
I would have to be the current /warp market. Having a theme to the island i a lot more fun to me then the old islands of mine where i just simply built random buildings to make what it sold.
Ya i still have all the shader pics, but don't worry, i will be rebuilding an exact replica of my old shop on my new island.