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  • Almost a decade of reflection

    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by diamond_673, Apr 12, 2023.

    1. diamond_673

      diamond_673 Experienced Member

      Oct 13, 2014
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      It was 9 years ago that i joined this server, well registered on the forums at least. I probably predate 95% of the users on the forum today. I simply cannot express how much this feels like it was a life time ago, i was surprised to see this server still up and running. I remember when the server was full all the time and it was youtube that brought me here. I decided to re download mine-craft and wow how much has changed. I still have vivid memories of Minecraft 1.7.10 and thought that the 1.8 update was spectacular. I look forward to getting around and seeing how much this server has changed after almost a decade.

      If you are reading this, thank for indulging my little nostalgia rant, i just went through the server and got a warm fuzzy feeling for the all time spent on here in my younger days, the pure joy it brought me and it brought me back to those days. For all those who are out theres suffering or are unhappy, just trust me it gets better, its a hard rocky road but remember you are awesome, you are loved and you are worth it !!!!!
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      • Agree Agree x 1
      Last edited: Apr 12, 2023
    2. welldarn

      welldarn Experienced Member

      Dec 6, 2015
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      Happy 9 years! its been 10 for me even though I joined the forums almost 8 years ago lol Its rare seeing someone predate me on the forums. You have my respect haha

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