Hello, I believe that mods should get a reward for their hard work! They don't get payed a cent and only get Titan rank after I believe 2 years of service. I think mods after 2 months (or earlier if they get recognition from Cypriot) should obtain the Titan rank, they work extremely long hours and do a great job, I love the idea of it being a community help kind of thing but let's face it, it doesn't cost cyp anything and they all deserve it mods are polite not biased and last but not least treat you like you matter! I believe their is no reason not to support Thanks for reading and have a great day!! Love you all <3
When applying for the position, we were all aware that it would be completely voluntary. All the game modes where Titans have /god , Mods do too. If we were to make it so that people would get Titan as soon as they get Moderator, there will be a bunch of people just applying for the free rank. It's a lovely thought, but I just don't think it's needed.
Y yeah I'll change it to maybe after a couple of months and recognition from cyp, besides the fact of getting Titan people would still want to be a moderator
hmmm In the name of Despicable Me I really just think that what Alexa said above was all that needed to be said on the idea. No support
I edited the thread re-read and re-judge please ( sos the sounded harsh don't worry not trying to be )
Moderators should come into the job expecting nothing but a thank for their service after resigning, not a big fat check saying, "Thanks. now enjoy the reward". Moderators should be people willing to sacrifice a portion of their days for nothing in return (item wise that is). I don't believe even a rank should be given to moderators and ex-moderators (if we want to be fair here) for their hardwork. I do understand the reasoning of being thankful of their hardwork done, but sadly people would abuse that thank you and would say try and get mod just for the rank. I do not support this suggestion for those reasons.
It's a nice idea. On a server I was previously staff on, the owner and admin team decided to give Sr mods top rank, as it was just a little thank from them, as all the Sr mods dedicated 8+ months helping out on there. It was a lovely gesture. 2 months is rather short to be giving out Titan ranks though.
Idea is nice as a thank you, but titan is a bit overdue don't you think? They volunteered for the role. As Xtreme stated, they shouldn't be expecting a reward for this. None the less, it's still a good idea. Neutral, but maybe not Titan.
We get a fair amount of the donor perms anyway, except for kits that is. This shouldn't really be a suggestion more of something that if cyp feels like doing it then he is able to do so. It's hardly fair to force him to give us free ranks and ignoring the fact people would just do it for the rank, it's something that if anyone were to discuss/suggest it I think it would be the head-mods and the owners. However I must say I'm surprised that a player suggested this, it's actually a nice surprise that some players think mods deserve this, honestly just saying thank you is a reward.
No support. When applying for mod, you are doing it for the server and for others, not a reward. Although they should get a reward, I think titan rank it a bit too much.