Hey guys! Today I am doing my TBH Thread <33 So I would be answering you all. Comment anything below, No hurtful words D:
I really enjoyed playing <edited> with you, hope with could play again. You were always my 1st Bae <33 Ilysmm Luv playing any servers with you. Played once, you seem friendly, wishing we could play again. <3
Awwh, you are so friendly in infection, but you don't really play it, I miss you ;-; Bloop. Only met you once in-game, you seem friendly <333 I enjoy playing opprison & infection with you ^.^ <3 Mhmm... Who r u? Just kidding lmao. I didn't got to play with you, hopefully with could meet up in-game. Seen you many times in-game! Love building with you <3 MADII Ilysm. Play wskywars with me pease ;3 <3 You are kind, friendly and awesome :D I enjoy the times I played opprison with you c: The time we were enemies in infection ^-^ So fun. <3 D8? Or Delta? I like your name, you are so good in infection <333