Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SonicTorch The offender's exact ingame name: Agishaki A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ok, Communications literally teams with hackers all day long, and I know who his hacker friend is... (Sablenight, but no mod feels the need to check this)... Anyways, can the staff please do something about Communications. He's literally ruining kitpvp1 and kitpvp2 because all he does is team with hackers. Every time I get a moderator on, he gets off along with his hacker friend. I am getting frustrating with this server and the staff because I guess no one can see that what he is doing is ruining mineverse and the people playing it. I know the response to this post is going to be something like "insufficient evidence" but all I'm asking is to please just ban this kid. He's actually the most annoying player and he ruins the server for everyone else, and not a single staff member seems to think this is a problem. Here's a small clip of what he does when he plays mineverse... Evidence/full screenshots:
Hey SonicTorch, Unfortunately, we cannot IP check Sablenight because he doesn't claim to be these banned accounts, which are not even named. Although I've experienced him hacking with other players, it's not bannable to team with hackers. I understand your frustration as I am getting over the top that he's constantly performing these actions. But, unless his friends claim to be the banned hackers, we cannot do anything about it. Him and his friends toggle a lot throughout the day, which sadly I cannot be online all the time. It's terrible that, from what you're telling me, they're ruining the fun for everyone else. But, from the evidence provided, I cannot ban him or his friends for any offenses. I know he is a problem and I try to catch his hacker friends when they get on. I have many successful techniques that have worked to ban multiple accounts which they're using, but they won't be shared just in case they're reading this message. Anyway, I will have to close this for lack of evidence. If you want to continue this conversation about Communications with me, PM me on forums or catch me in-game. Sorry for any inconveniences. EDIT: Agishaki will be banned for the use of anti knockback.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.