It came to my mind that AgentAndroid17 was banned in-game and on the forums for abusing his powers when he was moderator, some players he did more than that. I don't feel like he did anything except abuse his powers in-game. Elric was recently demoted, he wasn't banned or anything because of his consequences he has done to be demoted. Now Elric is into his old mood in-game and on the forums and it's disgusting. His profile located here, Look what he's been commenting, he told Pops a staff member to 'piss off', I thought that ex-moderators are supposed to still help the community. Well, I guess I'm wrong, Elric is back to his 'old' mood. I just made this thread on why wasn't Elric banned in-game and on the forums when he made Noobcrew and CypriotMerks look bad like AgentAndroid17 did. So why didn't he seem the same punishment if all he's going to do is constantly break the rules and disrespect players/staff members?
You know what? tbh, i didn't think Elric should've deserved mod because he was gonna get demoted for abusing. And look what happened. Uncle, that thread is fair. Why didn't he get banned?
You know what? No. I'm not allowing this thread to exist. This thread will only make the situation around Elric worse. Elric has been receiving enough commentary regarding his demotion, and this is the last thing he needs.
You have literally no idea how it feels to be demoted. This thread is already useless in itself, let alone the hate it brings to Elricc. We don't need anymore hate in this community. You've changed Uncle. I never thought you would stoop so low as to be hating on an ex-moderator.