Now there is a poem that I think works well here Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st, Nor shall death brag thou wand’rest in his shade, When in eternal lines to Time thou grow’st. So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. Basically what I'm trying to draw from this poem, (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day - Sonnet 18, Shakespeare) is the idea that you can be eternal, timeless. If you so seek for it, you will never be demoted... Either that or I just called you really hot. Up to you to decide which
Well that's like asking "Why does my mom leave every night dressed like that?" You don't ask it, because you're afraid of the answer you might get your mother is a clown, those things are scary AF
Why do humans like music? it's just pounding *thats what she said* drums, and strings going back and forth idek
Now no one, not even me, knows the exact reason why people like music. Unlike with some other stimulation, music doesn't have a part in the brain that deals with it in particular. However the music itself can serve several purposes, with the main one being, to serve as a distraction. Music can also work to manage mood. From an evolutionary standpoint, then music might also serve as a cognitive giveaway in infants. However this is just speculation. So long story short... It's just nice? Dammit Becky, you don't use pine in demonic rituals, you use willow!
1: To share my infinite wisdom 2: Probably due to the "Europisation" of Jesus, as to depict him more like the Vatican church, and thus be able to discriminate against the people of other ethnicities. Referencing a text I wrote a while back, "Racism as a concept is thought to span back to the Renaissance and the Reformation, as a byproduct of colonial expansion, and cultural mingling. Racial issues were mainly between the differently skin-pigmented people of Africa and Asia and the more powerful peoples from around europe at the time. The enslaved were often subjugated by the Europeans, on the basis of them being “heathens”. In this time era, slavers often offered the bible as the justification for their actions, which claimed blacks to be “servants unto servants”, condemned for their crimes. This religious reasoning did not subside for many years, and in Virginia 1667, it was decreed that converted slaves could still be kept in binds, even though they were not heathens, but because of their heathen ancestry"
i identify as a main battle tank,as ive always dreamed of invading countries and shooting terrorists tankophobe
OMG LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL that last one Okay heres my question without using a calculator tell me this what is -1000 divide by (12324x-2412)+200x(-100-2041)
(-1000)/(12324x-2412)+200x(-2141) (-1000)/(12324x-2412)-428200x Impossible to solve any further without more information Sadly there is no set in stone answer to 'every question'. Even if you want to get spiritual, and say "god is the answer", not even that is the answer. For example, the question "What should I have for dinner", I don't think "God" is a very good answer to that. And I can't even say something like "The only answers in life are those you make for yourself", because that's not true either. Like is someone asked "What is the square root of two?" and you go "it's 5", even if that's the answer you made for yourself, it aint right. tl;dr? No answer to everything
Until we open the box, the cat is both dead and alive Pizza... No wait, I'm going with pizza I hear you, and I'm choosing to completely disregard this statement