I don't know why this should be on the suggestions I think it should be on Cypriot's to-do list because I think he should make a facebook advertising account and start advertising mineverse so that more players join everyday, also he should add it to more server list websites and to the namemc server list cause this way mineverse could be alive again and more players will join making the server more active. And this way more players donate more money and the owners could profit more so they make more gamemodes. Smart idea and a profit circle for both players and owners. @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks
Advertising costs ALOT of money, it's like $3000 a week on minecraftservers.org It would temporarily give us a boost but not $3000 worth of players. The problem with advertising sites like that is they cost a lot of money and there is no guarantee that money will be earned back
Best way to advertise is through server trailers for recent resets if you pay good youtubers to upload or even play