They are at it again....... People advertising the same dang server at the same dang time! The staff are awesome but its like the advertisers have a schedule of when staff are offline! Mc Ari is a horrible server since it must be pretty desperate if they need to advertise on someone elses server they worked hard to make. The staff gotta do something quick cause now they (the advertisers) are stepping up their game advertising on multiple servers at the same time and since their were next to no moderators online normally this just makes the situation worse. The first screen shot was in skyblock. 2nd: Prison. 3rd: Opfactions 4th: Kit Pvp. ALL at the same TIME! BTW don't go on the server just in case they get your IP Address and try to ddos you back if you start harassing them back. (This is just paranoid thought of mine) Or if they breach your Account because Where do they get their Bots from?
The peeps from MC Ari use bots to advertise their server. If you don't want their spam just /ignore them
Yea I know that's the first thing I do when i see someone advertise. Then I tell other people the command in game.
A god rank was advertising on Survival. Mc Ari ...again. Either they paid 100 USD for an instant ban, of they hijacked his account
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Well if they didn't care about that gamemode maybe. One way to solve this is to do a lobby ban instead of getting banned on an individual gamemode.
cyp has laready stated he's talked with the owner of that server. The owner isn't repsonsible as most of those players have never logged onto his server their just bots of some idiot. Or they are all just idiots who think spamming ips is fun.
Oh my god. I absolutely hate when they spam. I understand that we can /ignore them but, it is just so annoying. They prevent me from enjoying my game.
i found out that its the admin on mcari that is advertising, There IGN is Ralbowdash i saw her on the lobby of mcari when i was looking at it then went back to mineverse and she was advertising the same thing that everyone else advertses
I don't think it's one person, I think the server owner on mc ari tells people on his server he'll give them stuff if they advertise. Idk. Oh, and if he bans their ip, what about the people's whose accounts got hacked? Will they be banned too?