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  • Advanced Bedwars Guide

    Discussion in 'Help' started by XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS, Aug 23, 2016.

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    1. XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS

      XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS Experienced Member

      Dec 30, 2013
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      Not official. Hopefully.
      Today, i will tell you about all the advanced techniques you can learn in bedwars.

      Double Pearling

      Double Pearling was a strategy that came up around April of this year, somewhere around that, 'founded' by @Pip and @Sando3 (i think)
      This only works on maps such as Skyline Restaraunt, Snow Islands, Windmill, and Old Tavern. Good luck doing it on the rest of the maps. You cannot build in the middle in the rest... However it is possible. Good luck on those maps.
      How does one double pearl?
      Getting 2 enderpearls-
      Enderpearl to the middle (Windmill Only) or the small 4 islands next to the main ones (Every one except the middle, middle if you want) build up, then enderpearl to the base you are going for. This strategy does not work all the time, as people can see the enderpearls.

      Rushing Techniques

      I have found very few 'Rushing Techniques' that i find helpful and may come in use to @Tigerz 's rusher guide.

      "Trump" rush
      Build a bridge with walls surrounding it so you cannot get bowed. Then just knock the team you're going for dead.
      Double Pearling
      Recommended to do as early as possible, if enough gold at echest.
      "Bow Rush" (Windmill & Old Tav. ONLY, must be fast)
      Be the first to middle, get people to guard the entrances, then get a bow. Then rush the team you are going for while bowspamming- somebody will go break the bed from above.
      "Yolo rush"
      Trump rush, but without the walls.

      How to counter these rushes-
      Trump rush:
      Bow them from the gap in the hole they are building.
      Double Pearling:
      But blocks on bed IMMEDIEATLY after spawning. This gives you enough time to prepare yourself.
      bow Rush:
      Have somebody "Camp" The bed area and stay concealed in the blocks near it.
      Yolo rush:
      BOW 'EM DOWN!

      self-explanatory, you need to build a wall in front of your base to protect it. Archer towers also recommended.

      this strategy is NOT recommended if the other team still has their bed.
      make a sky-archer base when your bed breaks. Alternatives-
      Waterfall on bw9
      Tree on bw10
      top island on bw2/15
      Under the island (if possible) on bw3/8/11/14

      the best defense-
      sandstone on outer layer
      endstone on mid layer
      iron blocks on inner layer.
      or if you feel like a hoarder, go all out iron.

      try putting glass on the outsied of the sandstone-you'll be able to hear them break the glass.

      The last advanced technique is called 'Sando-ing'.
      Credits to @Sando3
      Go for the largest team first, they pose a bigger threat than a one-man team.

      Is there anything i missed? Did you like this guide?
      comment below!
    2. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      nice guide, good work ;p
    3. XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS

      XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS Experienced Member

      Dec 30, 2013
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