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  • Requirements Needed adrian_0205 Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by adrian_0205, Mar 24, 2017.



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    1. adrian_0205

      adrian_0205 Active Member

      May 9, 2014
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      Hello, my name is adrian_0205 also known as Adrian. I am a 13 Year old boy, and I live in a country called Faroe Island, it's not a big country, a little under 50.000 people live here. I am applying for Moderator on Mineverse. I had a application in the beginning of December, since that I have changed a lot. Minecraft has always been my favorite game, since my childhood. A friend once told me about Mineverse in the beginning of 2014, since the first day I joined I have enjoyed playing on it. The first gamemode I played was OpPvp, and I am a Minecraft player that loves Pvp. Many friends on Mineverse have inspired me to apply for Moderator. If you want to know more about me, you can either read my Introduction Here, or you can message me, lets begin with the application:

      ∞ Your in-game name ∞
      My current in-game name is: adrian_0205
      Not thinking of changing it anytime soon.

      ∞ What timezone are you in ∞

      ∞ What country do you live in ∞
      Faroe islands
      Some people say that Faroe Island is placed in the Europe, and some say it's not, I just made this application a Eu prefix for now.

      ∞ What languages do you speak? ∞
      I speak: Faroese, English, Danish, and a little Swedish.

      ∞ Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? ∞
      Yea, I use OBS for recording, and Gyazo for screenshots.

      ~ Maturity ~
      I am always Mature when talking to people, when I skype I do sometimes use some bad words, but i'm pretty sure everyone does that. But when it comes to Moderating, I can control my Maturity and I will give all my attention.

      ~ Friendly ~I am a very friendly guy, I love to meet new people and make new friends, if I wouldn't have the friends that I have now on Mineverse, I probably wouldn't have been here right now, and I hope I will make some new friends in the Mineverse Community. You can always feel free to talk to me.

      ~ Experience and Knowledge ~
      I currently have my own server, that I will probably be shutting down soon. I am currently Admin on another server. I know how it is being a Moderator, you can sometimes get spammed and i'm used to getting spammed on servers that i'm Mod/Staff on. I don't get mad when people are spamming me, I am completely fine with people messaging me. I know how to use XenForo really good since I have been on the Forums soon for 3 Years.

      ~ Commands ~
      These are the basic commands that a Moderator should be knowing:

      /tempban (Player) (Amount of time) (Reason)
      /tempmute (player) (time)
      /kick (player)
      /warn (player) (reason)
      /tp (player)

      ~ Helpful ~
      Each time I see someone having trouble with the server, or needs help, I try my best to help them out, I have had problems my self with the server, and I know it can be really annoying! I know that it feels good when someone is helping you out, so I try my best to help people that need help. If you need any help feel free to Pm me or write a comment on my Profile.

      ~ Non-Biased ~
      I would never hesitate to punish a player that is breaking the rules, even if it is my friend. I would never punish a player only because he is not my friend, or because I hate him. If a player is breaking the rules I will punish them, no matter who it is. Because they are ruining the game for others.

      ~ Patient ~
      I am a very patient person, if I have to explain something to a person multiple times, I will not get mad or annoyed, some people don't explain things more than once, even if you don't understand it. But if i'm explaining something and the other person doesn't understand it, I will explain it once more to him without getting annoyed.

      ~ Trustworthy ~
      I am a very trustworthy person. The owner of another server that I am Admin on, he gave me his Control Panel once, which I still have. Because he trusted me. I would never do something bad for another person, I could've destroyed his server, but I would never do stuff like that. I hope that everyone in the Mineverse Community will trust me.

      ~ Responsible ~
      As a moderator you full take response for that bans that you make, I know that the moderators on Mineverse need valid proof before banning, I know what rules are and I know what to do when someone is breaking the rules. When I see a rule-breaker I get evidence and report them, I am happy that i'm making Mineverse a better place.

      I can be very active, I have 2 monitors, each time I play on Mineverse, I have Minecraft on 1 monitor and Forums on the other. I have been working on my activity lately, and now I have been kinda active. Scroll down if you want to see how many hours I can be on everyday.

      ~ Forgiving ~
      I am forgiving because I believe that everyone deserves another chance.
      On some servers they perm ban people for breaking rules, which I think is kinda stupid.
      I am glad that Mineverse doesn't do that.

      ~ Dedicated ~
      Mineverse is the mainly reason I play Minecraft. I do have my own server, but I will be shutting it down soon. Mineverse is the only server that I play on and I have put many hours into it. I have made many friends on Mineverse too. When I first joined this server, I got addicted to it, now 3 years later i'm still playing on it, and I hope that it will keep being this way.

      ∞ How long can you be active on the server everyday ∞
      These are the hours I can be active each day:

      5-7 hours In-game
      5-6 on Forums

      5-7 In-game
      5-6 on Forums

      4-6 In-game
      4-5 on Forums

      6-8 In-Game
      6-7 on Forums

      7-8 In-game
      7-8 on Forums

      6-8 In-game
      6-8 on Forums

      5-6 In-game
      4-6 on Forums

      ∞ How long have you been playing Mineverse ∞
      As I said earlier in the application, a friend showed me Mineverse in the beginning of 2014, so it has been a good 3 years now.

      ∞ Have you ever been banned in the past ∞
      I have been banned twice:
      1: For using a bannable item in kitpvp2. (Somewhere in 2015 if i'm right)
      2: Glitch abusing on Infection. (December 2016)

      ∞ Do you have any past experience as a moderator ∞
      I do have some experience as a moderator, I have owned 4 servers, been admin on 1. So I know the commands that a moderator should be knowing.

      ∞ Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below ∞
      Do you have 50 Post Count? ✓
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? ✓
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums?✓
      Do you have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication? ✓

      Thank you for taking your time to read my moderator application. Any feedback would be appreciated. I hope I will meet more people in the future. Always feel free to Pm me if you need help, or just want to talk, I hope you have an amazing rest of your day :)
      Peace ❤️️
    2. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse.
      Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed and take some time to get to know the community here on forums.

      Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
      Volunteers are always needed.
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