Hey guys! I've been looking thru posts and people always complain about on admin or no build team! We have one admin but he's rarely on. So i've been thinking of adding a *Admin vote* thread to the forums! It would somewhat be like applying for mod but over and over and over again. People like @Pile_of_Butts and other staff members have been in the server since I joined (And i've been in the server for as long as I can remember, and trust me I'm part elephant) I know admin is not a boom, submit I got it but the server needs more help. People like Th3Nick and Ducky have been banned from the servers tons and tons of times and yet to be ip banned, people have problems in challenges and only an admin can fix that? Why does that stuff almost never happen? Because there are no admins! If we promote 1 or 2 more the server can change a ton, and for the better
Pile is sorta like an admin she has higher perms than the mods and has faster ways of communicating with cyp.
I think this could be a good idea but only mods should be alowed to apply for admin. There should be criterias like how long they've been on the server and stuff.
Support! Yes we should have 1-2 more admins, but the very experienced mods should only apply for itit