Hello guys this is Skydiver27 and I've been thinking to make a clan. So I made this clan, it's called the "AddictedToPvP" Clan. This clan is on Op PvP. If you want to join this clan, follow this format. Your Ingame Name : Your Age : Your Skype : Why do you want to be in this clan? Your PVP Skills out of /10 : Do you know me? What rank do you want? If you want to apply for a higher rank, use this format. Your Ingame Name : What rank are you applying for? How will I trust you? For now, these are the players in the clan: [Owner] Skydiver27 [Co-Owner] Greg_2307 [2nd Co-Owner] Kubasliz [Admin] ojje_1234 [Mod] Noobkiller114 [Mod] (Free) [Mod] (Free) [Mod] (Free) [Officer] (Free) [Officer] (Free) [Officer] (Free) [Officer] (Free) [Officer] (Free) [Officer] (Free) [Member] (Free) [Member] (Free) [Member] (Free) [Member] (Free) [Member] (Free) [Member] (Free) [Member] (Free) [Member] (Free) [Member] (Free) [Member] (Free) If you want to be allies with my clan, follow this format. Your clan name : Why do you want to be allies? How many members are in your clan? Who is the Owner? So that's all I have to say guys, g'bai!! <3
Your Ingame Name : kubasliz Your Age : 16 Your Skype : I will PM you. Why do you want to be in this clan? Because I like to Play Kit Pvp/Op Pvp because its fun and with a Clan its much more better. Your PVP Skills out of /10 : Somewhere around 8-9 Do you know me? Of course I do. What rank do you want? 2nd Co-owner.
Your Ingame Name : ojje_123 Your Age : 13 Your Skype : oliver roklander/ I will pm you Why do you want to be in this clan? Because I love op pvp and I like to share that whit someone Your PVP Skills out of /10 : 7 to 8/10 Do you know me? Yes I now you What rank do you want? Admin Im vip
Ign: Gweg_tootheezewwozzevven Age: xD you're funny Skype: Mah real namee Reason: whyy not? :D Pvp skills: 0 Do you know me: think deeply.. What rank: 2nd owner
I'm NDG and imm already team with u imm a random person YOLO YOLO high on cocaine am I on caniubuis whAtever imm board bye