No support, itd be much too easy for me to earn active member. I could just leave the mineverse forums open on my desktop.
No support. Sorry you could just leave the forum open on my desktop and just get "very active member". So that would just be crazy.
I doubt most people here stay on Mineverse for more than 3 hours. Just to achieve Member you would have to resort to becoming a no-life.
"I doubt most people here stay on Mineverse for more than 3 hours." I know many who play for 9-10 hours on here, and I even play 10-15 hours a day most days.
Of course people who play Minecraft have lives. Please don't be rude about it. Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk
Neutral. It's a good idea, but like @Mookiezzx said, people COULD just leave their computers on all day. And I also agree With @Elliot, everyone would be very active member, and then ranks would mean nothing. Personally though, I think that that trophy point achievement should be about how many days per year you actually of on. But anyways, people who never go on and get active member are, like you said, never on, so people wouldn't think of them as active members. Sorry! Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk
no support. The rank system is based on trophies anyway. Activity should never be based on time, despite what the rank is called. People can easily cheat time and not only that, some times people will spend little time but every day, or long periods of time but not as frequent. Does the rank change every time you are more active or inactive? It wont work.