Hi My name is lightgx4764 I have been on mineverse for 3 years now but i have been off line because i lost my account. I made a new one named KyledaWolf and i was wondering if i could get my stuff back like my sponsor rank mostly i dont mine having to restart the server but i was just curious. I had a plot on mineverse creative i lost, I had a skyblock i lost and ranks on mineverse prison servers. If you cant change anything i understand. I just thought i would ask.
I don’t believe that you are able to transfer your rank from one account to another, though I might be wrong.
From my experience, you aren’t allowed to do a rank transfer because a lot of people would request this. If you have proof that your Original account was yours maybe you could. I don’t think they allow this. If you need any other help feel free to PM me. I’m sorry about your account.
Both of the users above have stated that you cannot do rank transfers, which is the case. That said, this help thread will be closed. Sorry