Ok so I was playing infection this morning and a person said he reported me for pet hiding which I know it's ban-able so why would I do it? Apparently to him I was pet hiding but I kept on saying that first of all I donated 3 days ago and why would I get my self banned after I donated? Secondly Pets telaport to were your standing and I was only in the same position for 20 seconds. I know there is a command the calls your sheep I only knew that when the person told me. Finally I was a zombie typing so while I was typing it telaported to me so I don't no what's his problem he thinks I Pet hide when it was only a accident. Hopefully who ever reads this can see that I wasn't pet hiding and I don't want to get banned because this it the only server I play on.
If you have a double pet, interprets that you use pet for hiding. And pet hiding Is bannable, I've gotten many people banned for it. Also using pets to block stuff such as buttons are bannable
Greetings! The below thread may shine some light on the Staff position regarding pet hiding. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/is-pet-hiding-banable.43815/ The basics of this thread are that pet hiding is viewed as a donor glitch and would be bannable. This is defined as using a pet to obscure or partially obsure your character in an effort to get an advantage over other players. If there are additional questions, please let me know and I will tag a moderator for this gamemode. Cheers, Melgrath
I am not saying you will be banned. (I am not a Moderator there and have not viewed the report) If you are however, simply file a ban appeal and the Moderator who handled the report will respond. Cheers, Melgrath