Thanks for the support Kyle. Thanks for the support Officially. Thanks for the support jackflexy. Thanks for the support Grace Panda. Thanks for the support FearTheKlowns. Thanks for the support Zack Fennell.
No support. I know you are going to get moderator either way you have other 7 pages of support. There is no way you aren't getting it. I say no support because you have been a moderator twice already. I think there are other people out there who deserve a chance :p. You have had your chances at a moderator. :p (twice)
That's not a reason to no support me. If I become mod, I would not be taking away other people's chances. Nothing is stopping "other people" or myself from both getting a chance to moderate again/for the first time. Please provide an actual opinion about my application, or explain the real reason you do not support me. It's alright, I can take the criticism. So don't hold back.
If you become mod. Cypriot Can't pick everyone so he has to pick a limited number of people. If you take 1 of the spots that spot could of been for another player who has been working hard and would like mod (Not referring to my self) :p.
Dude, you're saying that if Scor gets promoted, he'll take up more space. That makes no sense whatsoever. Scor is pretty qualified and he isn't taking up space for more promotions, FYI.
I am saying, he has a had a chance at mod twice. A third chance is just making the other people applying give up and feel bad about themselves. :/ Some people have been applying for over years and never going to get it because the same people will apply and get the spots they want. I know he is qualified but there is other people who are too but never get noticed because of people who have already been mod more than once or once and are taking the spots they have been before.
I've honestly never seen an application open for years, months obviously yes. MaxNinja10 has applied like 2 or 3 times (don't remember) and he's a great moderator. I'm sure Scor will do good at serving the community too even if he had 2 chances.
I'm not saying he is going to be a bad mod. I love Scorvix. But he has had more than one chances. Other people NEVER have had one chance and never will :/.
You should drop it. If Scor is more qualified than someone else who has never been promoted before, why wouldn't it make sense to pick the more qualified one while the other improves?
Super Support. when I started you were a mod and you were the best mod So 1000000% Support. a long time ago in a galaxy far far away Scorvix becomes moderator oh wait that's going to be a reality.