So basically I was playing infection, when suddenly I felt a cold breeze in my back. I don't know if it was a ghost... I don't know what it was. I was just afraid to look behind me because I was more scared than a little girl. I screamed and then I called my mom and dad. I was shaking I never felt that so strong. :ah:baw:
Maybe but the windows were closed and the doors and everything I was home alone and idk what it could be :(. Maybe it was the wind and I was home alone so I could be scared and stuff :/ or it was Cypriot behind me :O
Well it could be a ghost, im not sure if i belive paranormal things. But once upon a time, i was playing some singleplayer with my cousin, And he's hand started shaking and i told him to stop bit he didn't and he just fell asleep and i was so scared i went to the bathroom locked the door and screamed Dave...Dave... Wtf dave answer. And the only thing i heard was like a zombie noise from minecraft and someone who sneaked around outside the door, and then someone knocked on the bathroom door and i answerd wwwho is it? And Dave anwserd - Lucas wtf what are you doing - are you ok? - yeah im perfectly fine, but i don't remeber anything I got out of the bathroom and looked at him, but he looked perfectly fine. This was the creepiest moment off my life.
The creepiest thing that happened to me was when my little brother was walking throughout the night (sleep walking). He came into my room, shutted the door, took my piggy bank, then he ran straight towards my bed and jumped on top of me, and I couldn't move throughout the night. Creepy, but not scary
Wow that is creepy :bitenails: I wish that never happened to me again. I sleepwalk sometimes, my mom says I am very creepy and I go to her room, and I don't talk not even a single word. And I go with my eyes open but not blinking and I'm like really?!?!? And my mom says yes. Totally creepy :O
It must'a been either Gwism or Cypriot, they're the only 2 that I could think of that would do that kind of thing...