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  • A few mean players.

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Squire, Nov 8, 2014.

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    1. Squire

      Squire Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      Well.. I was playing creative, and just randomly said "Tpa for skin comp!" So a player named Zeus_58 sent a tpa and i accepted. He had a default player skin for me so i was like "Omg. Zeus has an ugly skin! D: ..." So zeus private messages me and asks why. I say he has the default skin. He called me an ' hole', after that. so i say 'Wait. Why am i an hole?" He said in chat using /me "Sir_Brandon_III Said he is an hole xD." and spams it "Sir_ said he is an hole xD! he is!" And adds more stuff like "It's true" and "It's true! He is an hole." Etc..
      I say like " Your just mad because i'm a better builder :P" Next thing you know haley1brett2 comes out and starts teaming with zeus "Ikr he is" And stuff. I have never seen haley on before. but they both keep targeting me. Both using /me so it is a color and more clear. Trying to get everyone to dislike me. Spaming same thing over and over. Calling me crappy names.. I'm not some kind of little kid with feelings easily hurt. But this was wrong. I'm sure many players wouldn't like that. It isn't even like a pvp server so there was no point in that.. Just haters or something.. This isn't a report or anything . But it wasn't really nice picking on somone they have never even seen before like that. I ignored them. but still. Just wanted to let the server know Zeus_58 and haley1brett2 are haters. Maybe only nice to other donators. Or just randomly hate people. Well. Thats about it.
    2. thegrimreaper5

      thegrimreaper5 Active Member

      Aug 24, 2014
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      Well, you did kinda say he had an ugly skin...
    3. Squire

      Squire Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      Well. I guess. Not like trying to be mean. Just joking. He had the default skin :P
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