Even though I am your friend I'm gonna have to say No Support You would need to expand on your applications. (Please look at the accepted applications)
No support, just add some more detail in. Maybe try looking at some of the accepted applications here.
No support. You don't meet all the requirements. Inactive From what I've seen you don't seem too mature. You should add some more detail to your application. You should like others have suggested, look at some of the accepted applications for inspiration. Fix the grammatical errors. Good luck!
No support. Add more detail, update your application, and be more active. Plus you do not meet the Moderator Requirements. You may view them here.
No support -To little info -Add more detail about your self -Never seen you in game -Multiple mistakes -Tell why you were banned -Add more detail under why I should be mod -Also you don't meet requirements for moderating Good luck
Neutral. That being the fact that you are incredibly active in game but just become more active on here and i'll consider changing my decision.