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  • __NIK__27; Griefing [ScoFu13] [Banned]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by Der_Knistermann, Jan 16, 2015.

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    1. Der_Knistermann

      Der_Knistermann Active Member

      Nov 11, 2014
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      09.01.2015 between 6.00pm and 7.30pm,

      Hello, I need to report __NIK__27 because he set home on my island (it's a community-island)
      without asking me and later he griefed my chickenfarm.
      But first, he hacked himself out of my shop!
      9.1.15, about 6.00pm he warped to my shop (/warp thegermanshop) and looked.
      I played together with my friend Estelnarion, as __NIK__27 teleported out of the shop
      (he flied through the walls).So I said to Estelnarion: "Make screenshots! He hacked out
      of the store!"We made screenshots, but he only looked around our island.Then __NIK__27
      wrote, I have a noob house (it werent my house, but I was angry otherwise). I said repeatedly
      to __NIK__27,that he had to leave the island. He tried to bribe us, so I said again that he
      had to go and then he stayed on a place and dissapeared.
      7.00pm __NIK__27 teleported back where he left. Estelnarion nad I were surprised and we
      knew that __NIK__27 set his home on the place (/sethome). I wrote in chat:
      "__NIK__27 leave the island or get reported!!!"
      But he tried to bribe us again! So I gave him a last warning and he went back in the shop.
      He stood for a while inside the shop said nothing. Suddenly he hacked through the doors
      and walked towards the chickenfarm... and killed all chickens.
      Now I cant farm eggs for my shop and maybe miss Skybucks...

      Thanks, Der_Knistermann.

      PS: I'm not the Island owner.
      2015-01-09_18.27.22.png 2015-01-09_18.29.34.png 2015-01-09_18.29.37.png 2015-01-09_18.59.01.png 2015-01-09_18.59.25.png 2015-01-09_19.01.21.png 2015-01-09_19.05.52.png 2015-01-09_19.05.54.png 2015-01-09_19.06.20.png 2015-01-09_19.06.26.png
    2. ScoFu13

      ScoFu13 Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 17, 2013
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      Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned.
      This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
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