My Ign> "Novy/NovaPhd" Offender's Ign> "brydon2004" Rule Broken> Use of Prohibited Client (This could mean Kill Aura, Trigger Bot, Auto Crits) Evidence> (I sometimes submit my post here before my video has finished uploading, if the links don't work please be patient thank you) Subscribe to my YouTube to support me & to see new Hacker reports and content! View my Moderator Application here! You can clearly see them hitting my pet chicken in random spots, it's a difficult to prove aura user, but there's no reason anyone would randomly start hitting my pet mid combat... I'd like to request a Moderator other than Kolos look at this before it's Archived.
Please do not advertise your youtube channel or your moderator application within a report. These reports are for just that, to report a player. Not advertise yourself. Thank you. Also, please do not post over and over again, please use the edit feature instead of posting many posts back to back like you did. Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.