And since you usually say nothing is wrong with it:
Thread locked for failure to adhere to forum rules and responsibilities. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The Staff
)&)&@$%_*(@$&(_*&@$%_(*&$@%_(*&%$@_(*&%@(*&%@(_*&%_(*&@#%(_*@$&%_(*@$&%_(@*$&%_(@$*&%(_*@$&%_(@$&%_(@$&%_(@$&%_(@$*&%_(@$*&%(@*$_&%_(@$&%_(@$*%&@$(_%*&%@$(*&%@$_(*@&$%_(*%$&(_*@&$% How exactly isn't this following the rules?
!@%!$@#^%$&^$##^$QWESZFDBSHTEAW$Te(sghwnearweaf(esbwrn%ae$gwefascxc Possible flame war and nothing but hate will come from this thread.