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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Diamonds180, Feb 8, 2022.

    1. Diamonds180

      Diamonds180 Well-Known Member

      Mar 17, 2015
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      Hey! My name is diamonds180 but I now go as Wan. I was one of the OG's, as people on the forums like to call it, and I used to play on mineverse religiously. I joined the forums in 2015, a little while after starting on the server.
      Like some of us, my glory days of minecraft had to come to an end, and with that I left behind a community I had great respect for. I spent a big chunk of my childhood playing and socialising with many people on the server, and formed some great memories and even greater friendships. If any of you read this just know I didn't forget you! I really hold those days close to my heart <3
      Life is a lot different 7/8 years later as I'm sure it is for everyone. It's been a bumpy ride, but the road of life never ends!

      I do want to just say a big thank you to anybody who was a part of my time here, you really are all cool people and I hope that everything is working out nicely :)

      My best memory of MV has to be OP Factions. Every day I would come home from school I looked forward to meeting everyone and grinding MCMMO Axes/swords all night long. If you know, you know, and you most definitely know.
      We all took OPF super seriously, I will never forget the teamwork, the strategising, the constant beef between certain players, and especially the roar of the skype calls when we'd taken over a rival base. GOOD times man holyyyy

      Coming onto the forums today, I learnt about the horrible news of a beloved friend, @Max . This really hit me hard, as Max was a good friend I had met through Mineverse. We shared many a skype call where we would joke around, share ideas, talk about life or simply just to have each others company. I am super grateful to have met him, and to have worked with him on one of our many ideas; he was a staple in the mineverse community and we will all miss him a lot. Rest well brother, we love you <3

      It is a huge reminder that life is short and that we should live every second to the fullest potential. Go out, have fun, and do WHATEVER you want to do, no matter how big or small.
      I understand that life can be very tough for some, I used to go through a heck of a lot and sometimes felt very defeated and even depressed. Trust me, time is the best medicine, and everything WILL get better! It took a while for me to grasp that but I am now in a much better place, and I want everyone to know that it will happen to you too. You've got this and I send all my love <3

      I do sometimes pop on the server to see what's going on, so feel free to say hi if you see me. My new IGN is WanPepega.
      That being said thanks for reading if you did, just wanted to come and say hi to everyone and thought this would be the best place.

      Another big thanks to MV and the community, you're all amazing and I love you guys,
      Till next time. W
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    2. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I remember you from prison
    3. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      I remember seeing you about back then

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