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  • 50 questions

    Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Tepig4321, Mar 2, 2016.

    1. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      U make me sad
    2. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Good :,)
    3. TADS

      TADS Guest

      1. Irl name? Thomas
      2. Boy or girl? Male
      3. Cookie or cake? Cookie
      4. Favorite sport? Baseball
      5. What grade? 10th/sophomore
      6. Prison or Op prison? Op
      7. Favorite country? US
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon
      9. Apple or Samsung? Apple
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Rainbow
      11. Cities or Suburbs? Suburbs
      12. Plane or Boat? Boat
      13. Private or Public school? Public
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Indoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? 16
      17. Favorite emoji? Upside down happy face
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pen
      20. Hot or Cold? Cold
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? @flazer2464 @Exstatisfy @Pile_of_Butts @Coastic
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Reese's
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Trump
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? ~
      26. Tucked in shirt? No
      27. Favorite color? Blue/red
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Nike
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Leonardo DiCaprio
      30. Favorite athlete? ~

      Ok here is where it gets different from other 100 questions sections

      There will be a girls and guys section cuz why the heck not xD


      31. Video games or sports? Video games :t
      32. Beard or no facial hair? None
      33. Short or long hair? Short
      34. Blue or Green? Blue
      35. Sleep with shirt? Ye
      36. Color of hair? Dirty blonde
      37. Tie or bowtie? Tie
      38. Collar shirt? Nah
      39. Sunglasses? Yes
      40. Jamie or Adam (from mythbusters lols)? Adam
      41. Sun or moon? Moon
      42. Car or truck? Car
      43. Favorite fast food? Ye
      44. Do you like school? Eh
      45. Do you like Tepig? From Pokemon ye
      46. Favorite video game? No personal fav
      47. Favorite mod? ~
      48. Favorite youtuber? H3h3
      49. Dogs or Cats? Cats
      50. Favorite Meme? ~
    4. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      That's not right.
      I think I can feel the tears streaming down my face
    5. TADS

      TADS Guest

      It didn't give the option to pick who I was sad
      So close enough
    6. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      1. Irl name? Hannah
      2. Boy or girl? Girl
      3. Cookie or cake? Cookie cake
      4. Favorite sport? Swim
      5. What grade? 9th
      6. Prison or Op prison? Op Prison
      7. Favorite country? USA
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Death
      9. Apple or Samsung? Apple
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Rainbow
      11. Cities or Subarbs? Cites
      12. Plane or Boat? Plane
      13. Private or Public school? Public
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Indoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? 14
      17. Favorite emoji? Poo
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pen
      20. Hot or Cold? Cold
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? @Rodeenie, @Janice999, @AthleticPsycho, @Jhow, @HopeStealer
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Reeses
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Kanye West
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Taylor Swift
      26. Tucked in shirt? No
      27. Favorite color? Maroon
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Converse or Vans
      29. Favorite Celebrity? The Pizza Delivery Man
      30. Favorite athlete? Scott Sterling
      31. Acrylic Nails or Painted Nails? ... Neither
      32. Would you want to get plastic surgery/have any? No...
      33. Red or Pink lipstick? None...
      34. Skirt or dress? Skinny jeans...
      35. Short or long hair? Medium ?
      36. Ponytail or bun? Ponytail
      37. Pink, red, or purple? Red
      38. High heels? No
      39. Piercings? Sometimes
      40. Color of hair? Brown
      41. Sun or moon? Moon
      42. Car or truck? Car
      43. Favorite fast food? Taco Bell
      44. Do you like school? No
      45. Do you like Tepig? What..?
      46. Favorite video game? Csgo
      47. Favorite mod? @Jhow (future mod) @Rodeenie
      48. Favorite youtuber? Sparkles ... If you play csgo you'll get it
      49. Dogs or Cats? Dogs
      50. Favorite Meme? My skype pfp

      IRL PIC: http://www.anorak.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sarah-palin-sexy-moose.jpg
      • Like Like x 1
    7. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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    8. Cade

      Cade Well-Known Member

      Oct 16, 2013
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    9. cheetahswimmer

      cheetahswimmer Experienced Member

      Dec 16, 2015
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      1. Erika
      2. Girl
      3. Depends
      4. SWIMMING <3
      5. 8th
      6. OP Prison
      7. United States of America <3
      8. I don't really know which of those is better :/
      9. Apple
      10. I guess chocolate?
      11. Cities!
      12. Their both fun, but at the same time scary. Anything could happen
      13. Finishing up Middle School (Public), going into High School (Private) for school-gaming-swimming related purposes (better schedule :))
      14. Indoors in the Spring (allergies) and Winter (sickness), Outdoors in the Autumn (so pretty :D) and Summer (Swimming-related purposes)
      15. Hotels are nice, but home is where it's at
      16. 13
      17. ❄ or ★
      18. Chocolate
      19. Both
      20. Cold water, hot weather
      21. @Duplexy @TADS4 @Swift4Lyfe @Sando3 @Frenchfries271 @SnakeVenomPvP @AthleticPsycho <-<3
      22. Either
      23. Neither
      24. Hillary Clinton
      25. Taylor Swift
      26. Nahhhhhh
      27. Purple, Black, Gray, Shades of pink
      28. No specifics
      29. No specifics
      30. Katie Ledecky because I practice with her and we talk a lot <3
      31. Both
      32. Never
      33. Pink
      34. Dress
      35. Long
      36. I prefer ponytails (only when I straighten my hair) otherwise messy buns for life :)
      37. Purple
      38. Only for important events, parties, etc..
      39. Ear piercings
      40. Black/Dark Brown
      41. The moon, but the sun is also so cool :D
      42. Car
      43. Ermmm French fries :D @Frenchfries271
      44. Kind of
      45. Don't know who you are, but sure ;)
      46. Minecraft!
      47. @TADS4 @Exstatisfy @AthleticPsycho @StrKillr @SnakeVenomPvP @Jhow @ItsSniiper
      48. The MineVengers I guess
      49. Puppies and Kittens
      50. Don't have one :S

    10. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks :)
    11. cheetahswimmer

      cheetahswimmer Experienced Member

      Dec 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      : ))
    12. ImMrStealYoGurt

      ImMrStealYoGurt Experienced Member

      Jan 8, 2016
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? Jake
      2. Boy or girl? Boy
      3. Cookie or cake? Cookie
      4. Favorite sport? Swimming/Basketball
      5. What grade? 11th grade
      6. Prison or Op prison? Op Prison
      7. Favorite country?
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon
      9. Apple or Samsung? Apple
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Chocolate Sprinkles
      11. Cities or Subarbs? Cities
      12. Plane or Boat? Plane
      13. Private or Public school? Any
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Outdoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? 16
      17. Favorite emoji? Poop emoji
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pencil
      20. Hot or Cold? Hot
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? People
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Snickers
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? None
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Katy Perry
      26. Tucked in shirt? No
      27. Favorite color? Black/Dark colors
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Nike
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Cara Delevingne
      30. Favorite athlete? Stephen Curry
      31. Video games or sports? Sports
      32. Beard or no facial hair? No facial hair
      33. Short or long hair? short hair
      34. Blue or Green? blue
      35. Sleep with shirt? no
      36. Color of hair? black
      37. Tie or bowtie? tie
      38. Collar shirt? Maybe
      39. Sunglasses? yes
      40. Jamie or Adam (from mythbusters lols) idk
      41. Sun or moon? Moom
      42. Car or truck? Car [I actually own a jeep wrangler tho]
      43. Favorite fast food? In n Out
      44. Do you like school? It's alright. I mostly like school for the friends and sports xD.
      45. Do you like Tepig? Who dat? :)
      46. Favorite video game? I dont have one
      47. Favorite mod? All :)
      48. Favorite youtuber? Meh
      49. Dogs or Cats? Both
      50. Favorite Meme? none
      Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
    13. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      you forgot the last 10 questions
    14. Mz_Penguin

      Mz_Penguin Active Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      1. Irl name? Anja
      2. Boy or girl? Girl
      3. Cookie or cake? Cookie
      4. Favorite sport? none
      5. What grade? 9th
      6. Prison or Op prison? OP PRISON!!!!!!!!
      17. Favorite country? France, america, australia
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? pokemonnnnnnnnnnnn
      9. Apple or Samsung? samsung! (apple is gross)
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? why not both?!
      11. Cities or Subarbs? suburbs
      12. Plane or Boat? plane
      13. Private or Public school? either
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? indoors! (the sun burns O-O)
      15. Hotel or home? home (inside home ofcourse)
      16. Age? 14
      17. Favorite emoji? penguinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? both
      19. Pencil or Pen? depends on situation
      20. Hot or Cold? depends on situation
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? @sithkitty @Flazer @MC_PvPWarrior57
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? depends on situation
      23. Snickers or Reeses? reeses!!
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Is this a trick question? Anyone except Trump
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? .... neither
      26. Tucked in shirt? NO
      27. Favorite color? Sparkles! ...or blue for those who don't think it's a colour...
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? all of them? xd
      29. Favorite Celebrity? none
      30. Favorite athlete? none

      Ok here is where it gets different from other 100 questions sections

      There will be a girls and guys section cuz why the heck not xD


      31. Video games or sports?
      32. Beard or no facial hair?
      33. Short or long hair?
      34. Blue or Green?
      35. Sleep with shirt?
      36. Color of hair?
      37. Tie or bowtie?
      38. Collar shirt?
      39. Sunglasses?
      40. Jamie or Adam (from mythbusters lols)


      31. Acrylic Nails or Painted Nails? Depends?
      32. Would you want to get plastic surgery/have any? no >.<
      33. Red or Pink lipstick? Depends on situation-most likely red
      34. Skirt or dress? skirt
      35. Short or long hair? long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      36. Ponytail or bun? neither >.<
      37. Pink, red, or purple? any
      38. High heels? YES PLEASE
      39. Piercings? ears
      40. Color of hair? brunette - dyed ends between blue and gold/caramel

      Some more questions for everyone-

      41. Sun or moon? moon
      42. Car or truck? car
      43. Favorite fast food? none?
      44. Do you like school? yes
      45. Do you like Tepig? I don't know ;~;
      46. Favorite video game? Minecraft ;)
      47. Favorite mod? @Flazer
      48. Favorite youtuber? None
      49. Dogs or Cats? Dogs ... or either
      50. Favorite Meme? None ;~;
    15. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Mod as in modification.
      You don't have a favorite meme...? Wow. Bye.
    16. Mz_Penguin

      Mz_Penguin Active Member

      Sep 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      you know I don't ;-;
    17. Cade

      Cade Well-Known Member

      Oct 16, 2013
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? Caden
      2. Boy or girl? Boy
      3. Cookie or cake? Cake
      4. Favorite sport? Soccer or basketball
      5. What grade? 7th
      6. Prison or Op prison? Prison
      7. Favorite country? To visit? Dominican Republic
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Neither
      9. Apple or Samsung? Idk. They both manage to piss me off in someway.
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Rainbow
      11. Cities or Subarbs? Doesn't matter to me. I prefer seeing stars though.
      12. Plane or Boat? Plane
      13. Private or Public school? Public
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Outdoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? 12
      17. Favorite emoji? The laughing emoji
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen? Depends, most of the time gel pens.
      20. Hot or Cold? Hot
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? @iSh4d0wP1ng3r @HatchingPandas @Valor @ScoFu13 @LDM77
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Reeses
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Trump, call me a racist? I don't care about the election to be honest.
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Taylor Swift
      26. Tucked in shirt? Bruh no.
      27. Favorite color? Royal blue or ti-dye neon blue with hot pink.
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Nike
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Pfft idc.
      30. Favorite athlete? Aaron Rodgers :)

      Ok here is where it gets different from other 100 questions sections

      There will be a girls and guys section cuz why the heck not xD


      31. Video games or sports? Sports!
      32. Beard or no facial hair? No facial hair
      33. Short or long hair? Long
      34. Blue or Green? Blueee
      35. Sleep with shirt? Nah.
      36. Color of hair? Brownish black
      37. Tie or bowtie? Neither.
      38. Collar shirt? Depends.
      39. Sunglasses? Yes.
      40. Jamie or Adam (from mythbusters lols) Huh?

      Bonus: post a irl pic for a like - My profile pic
    18. Amaya

      Amaya Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Oh, yyaaasss.
    19. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
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      i meant moderator xd
    20. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
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