Alicee_Palacee has been banned for 2 seconds on creative to be unbanned well she is still banned & Glaadiator unbanned her yesterday well its been 24 hours & shes still not unbanned D: please help @Glaadiator
Thanks bbbbzzzzzz! But it's not @Glaadiator 's fault, she tried to unban me but I think there's a bug. :( If anyone could give us information on what's going to happen or if it's going to be fixed soon, we'd appreciate it. Tell her to fill out the format. Unless she can come on now.
Okay well glaad unbanned her yesterday & shes still not unbanned ;-; but when I did /seen Alicee_palace it came up "last seen 16 hours 5 minutes ;-;
there is a problem with unbanning, please complete the form that Canucks pointed out. locking-archiving
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