I wish this could be made as a gamemode in itself, I know a server where I play a duels gamemode all the time. Support.
There's a plugin on CC @Pile_of_Butts which involves 1v1, where you can type /1v1 join (arena type: diamond, iron, gold) and it would tp you to an arena with set kits, based on that game mode and fairness. Not sure how well it would work, or if it would at all. But idk, I like that plugin. Just another idea ;p
Ezpz https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...rty-vs-party-party-ffa-and-party-battle.5172/ £10 and your sorted, that comes with everything, 1v1's 2v2's party vs parties and I'm sure it wouldn't take long to cnfig, just need some builds ;p
There are several plugins out there for 1v1 arenas. Here are a few: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/pvp-1vs1/ https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/1vs1.5258/ http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/simple1v1/ http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/duelme/
Thank You everyone one who supported this thread, This thread is only a day old and look, TONS of support! Thanks :D
This idea could be worked on a lot, such as some of the perks other might have, but it seems like a pretty good idea to build on. Support c;