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  • Requirements Needed 1826 Re-Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by 1826XD, Dec 29, 2016.

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    1. 1826XD

      1826XD Active Member

      Dec 25, 2016
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      Hello and welcome to my re-application. Before I get into it I will explain to you why it is that I am re-applying so early. Recently we have experienced quite a large loss in Australian moderators bringing it down to only having 2 remaining. I am re-applying because I believe that I can help out the 2 Australian moderators and hopefully make things a bit easier for them, as well as all the players. There is no longer anything prerventing me from moderating anymore as the reason I resigned has been sorted out and will no longer be an issue. I ask you to judge me based on how good of an applicant you think I am and I ask that you do not no support me just saying "It's too early" because I don't see the point in me waiting a few more months to re-apply when I can help out now. I am prepared for any hate that I may get for re-applying this soon.

      Your in-game name?
      My in-game name is 1826.
      I was recently banned for perms removal so I had been playing on an account lent to me by a friend named "Joergen" however this account's name was recently changed by it's owner to "Wolfzi_Is_OTP."
      For a list of my past name you can check here.

      What timezone are you in?

      What country do you live in?

      What languages do you speak?
      English, and Dutch.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?
      Yes, I do. For video evidence I use the recording software that comes with my computer, it's name is QuickTime Player. For screenshots I use my computers built in keyboard short cut which takes a photo of my screen (Command, Shift, 3). Though, I sometimes have issues with this so I have Gyazo installed as a backup.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I am Reliable.
      I think of myself as a very honest and reliable person. Players can always rely on me to help out, I consider myself quite good at helping multiple people at once. I rarely lie, I try to be honest with everyone and by doing this I am able to earn peoples trust and I become a figure that people are able to count on. I own up to my mistakes when I do something wrong and I am always absolutely prepared to take full responsibility for my actions.

      I am Resilient.
      I am able to take hate and not let it effect me. Being a past moderator here on mineverse I am aware that staff members here get massive amounts of hate and at times this can get quite hard. I know how to control myself and I never let my emotions control my actions, I always make sure to do the right thing.

      I am Active.
      I am extremely dedicated to both Mineverse and it's community. Every free moment I get I am either in-game or on the forums. I try to be active all around the place on every game-mode but I do have my game-modes that I am more active on than other such as Infection, Survival and Kit PvP. I believe that if I were given a second chance and re-promoted my activeness would benefit the server and it's players highly.

      I am Helpful.
      I enjoy helping people, it offers a feeling of satisfaction when you succeed in helping someone. I try to help out wherever and whenever I can. If I was re-promoted, people would come to me for help so it is important that I am prepared and willing to help them in every way possible.

      I am Mature.
      I think of myself as a very mature person, I try to stay as respectable as possible. Sure, I do like to joke around with friends from time to time but I am very aware of the line between joking and being disrespectful and I am very careful not to cross it. As a moderator I will be representing the server so it is important that I remain mature and respectful at all times no matter who I am dealing with or what I am doing.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Please not that I am human and I do have things that come up so these times will not always be reliable but I will try my best to match them as often as possible.
      Mondays - 3-4 hours
      Tuesdays - 2-3 hours
      Wednesdays - 1-2 hours
      Thursday - 3-4 hours
      Friday - 1-2 hours
      Saturday - 4-5hours
      Sunday - 3-4 hours

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I first joined Mineverse on 2013.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      I have been banned twice before.
      The first time was for death wishes on OPPVP, it was not me on my account at the time. I had given my friend the details to my account a while back and I did not know they still used my account until I got banned. I have since then learn from this mistake and improved the security of my account a lot, I now change my accounts password each month to prevent this from happening again.

      The second time I was banned was for perms removal.

      Do you have any past experience as a Moderator?
      Yes, I moderated here on Mineverse for 4 months before resigning.

      I have Skype and Teamspeak 3 for offline communication.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff ?
      Yes, I meet all of the requirements for staff.


      Thank you everyone for reading my application, have a safe and happy christmas <3

      Link to my YouTube channel:



      :) Supports: 0
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      Last edited: Dec 29, 2016
    2. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      No support.
      - You don't meet the requirements.
      @Alex Lock please?
    3. chantelle

      chantelle Active Member

      Jun 7, 2016
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      no support
      - don't meet the requirements
      sorry dude, maybe next time.
    4. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      We do not tolerate plagiarism on Mineverse. Plagiarizing another user's application will hurt your chances if you would ever choose to apply again.
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