Greetings! As some of you may know, mineverse has now updated to 1.8. There have been both positive and negative responses to this. Sadly, cyp announced they wouldn't downgrade back to 1.7.10. This thread is to help them get the information they need to fix the errors on gamemodes! Some of them are internal and will take time, but why not be aware? Format: 1. Gamemode: 2. Explain The "Issue": 3: Is it affecting your gameplay? After filling this out, hopefully the owners will stroll by and get some hints on what to fix. Some of it they may know, but some they may not. Skyblock: You lose your stuff in your ender chest if you switch islands! Don't do it! Worldguard on islands is turned of. Example: The message doesn't show that you are entering a protected area of a player. This new forcefield set into place prevents players from using mob grinders and pig spawners making them useless. This also includes enderchest and enchantment tables on other players islands. You don't know who island owners are. Referring to the message above this. Some players challenges were reset. Lobby: Whenever I click the compass, It spams me with "Hey, But you can't use that here". Every once in a while I get spammed with "unable to locate sign" messages with a bunch of random coords. Players are able to talk in spawn creating spam to incoming players? Factions: You can't kill any animals creating a huge mob of animals at spawn. The pvp pit if filled with overflowing animals AND pvp is disabled. Some peoples homes were reset preventing some players from getting back to their base(s). All servers: People are experiencing lots of lag and getting low fps levels Many peoples server money is being reset. People with new account names are losing all their stats I personally don't play and monitor ever server out there. Inform the community on issues in these gamemodes. Hopefully cyp or noob will see this and know what new problems are out there. Good day, bananaman11223.
Kitpvp Fricken No Knockback :/ If you hit someone, your supposed to get knockback even with a sword with no knockback, your still supposed to get knockback. Lets start with these sharp Vs... If you hit someone they stay there and you can just keep hitting them until they are dead. I have lost P2, P3, and P4 to this "Anti-Knockback" I have also lost some Sharp V Swords and Power V Bows. @CypriotMerks Please Fix Ty
Lobby: I have had a lot of issues with disconnects, but am then unable to rejoin the server for varying periods of time. This can vary from a few seconds to multiple minutes. (As of typing this post I have been attempting to get in roughly 10 minutes. Can log into other servers correctly)
Gamemode: Skygrid Problem: Before the 1.8 update, any chests, furnaces, etc that were locked beforehand are now unlocked. That means that even though there may be a locked sign on a chest, if you did not re-apply the sign after the update, anybody can access it. Is it affecting you: Yes, if you accidentally tpa a griefer to your island, they can now do more damage by accessing your chests.
And maybe more mods to deal with these silly issues? A mod should really take care of him, he's still going away at it. Ill report him if something is not done soon.
No a lobby and a server game mode are different max. A lobby is the first impression a player gets when he/she joins.