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  • 0Coolbluebandit0's Mod Application [Remake]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by 0Coolbluebandit0, Nov 10, 2013.

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    1. 0Coolbluebandit0

      0Coolbluebandit0 Active Member

      Nov 9, 2013
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      How old are you?: I'm 18
      Your in-game name: 0Coolbluebandit0
      What timezone are you in?: Eastern
      What country do you live in?: United States of America
      What is your gender?: Male
      What languages do you speak?: English and a small bit of Spanish
      Why do you
      think you should become a mod?: I would like to become a Moderator because I love helping people and making them enjoy their Minecraft experience, as staff of my first few servers I played on were helping and supportive towards me, I think that's why I am able to be playing today. Also I love the minecraft community, though it's very harsh I would not do anything to harm it in anyway. Also I am on frequently and I love being active in the community.I have played on this server for a very long time and know most of the regulars well. I also am active on the forums and read them every day. I believe I can help lighten the load on certain members of the Staff because they are busy often. Also I don't rage easy at all and it is my pleasure to help those in need.
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?: about 5 hours.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?: about 8 months?
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?: Yes, i have moderated 3 different servers though they wern't very popular.

      Hope I can help :) Sincerely- 0Coolbluebandit0
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