~~ ✧Introduction✧ I never honestly thought I’d ever be applying for moderator, but today is the day. I have been playing Mineverse for a very long time now and I have made a lot of friends and memories. These memories that I experienced is the memories of feeling loved and accepted by the community. I have helped this server in many ways. I have donated to help keep this server running and I showed my friends this server as they also play here now. I am a very active individual and I am on every day unless something happens. ~~ ✧Something About Myself✧ I am currently 14 years old, turning 15 in December 2016. I tend to have a very cheerful and caring attitude, and with my experience, that attitude creates a safe environment and allows people to enjoy themselves. I try my best to never give up, if something gets hard, I continue to try. I always have a polite attitude even when the situation remains unchanged or changed. I am a very organized person who loves to spend time with the Mineverse community. ~~ ✧Your in-game name✧ My in-game is StealthyNoob (Formerly known as ZaxxInc or _Primitive) ~~ ✧What timezone are you in?✧ Eastern Time (ET) ~~ ✧What country do you live in?✧ Canada, Ontario. ~~ ✧What languages do you speak?✧ I speak fluent English. ~~ ✧Do you have 2FA enabled?✧ Yes. ~~ ✧Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?✧ I use bandicam to record and gyazo for necessary screenshots. I have put a link below to all my reports. I believe I am doing a good job as I have 523 reports in total, I have 465 reports that is banned, and 11 reports are invalid. (I am unable to count my invalids since it only gives me 5 pages of my reports) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW7U3eDnamUCBLA6LOLA4TA ~~ ✧Why do you think you should become a mod?✧ My main goals of being moderator would be to create a peaceful environment so members do not feel uncomfortable. This would include helping people, trying to keep people entertained, and trying to eliminate as much hackers as possible. ~~ Respect I believe respect is very important. This is because having respect for people is important as it shows that you appreciate each other. If you treat them with respect they will treat you the way you treat others. This is a rule that I follow on a daily basis. ~~ Knowledge Knowledge is an important trait to have when becoming a moderator. First off you need to know what hacks are and the difference between a normal player and a hacker. I do have a lot of knowledge in the hacking department as I did hack before. This is an advantage for me as I can easily tell who is a hacker and who isn’t. ~~ Effort Effort, this is one of the biggest traits a moderator needs. I don’t think anyone would want a person who gives up all the time and never tries to perform with as much effort as possible. If I was to become moderator I could assure you that I would put in as much effort as I can into the daily duties of a moderator. I would never give up when the situation gets hard, and I most certainly will never give up on making this community a better place. ~~ Maturity My maturity level usually depends on what I’m doing. If I’m around my friends, yes I will fool around a bit, but when I am in a serious situation I am very mature about it and try to deal with the situation without making any impulsive decisions, before something bad happens. ~~ ✧How long can you be active on the server everyday?✧ Monday (3-5 Hours) Tuesday (3-7 Hours) Wednesday (3-7 Hours) Thursday (3-7 Hours) Friday (3-7 Hours) Saturday (2-7 Hours) Sunday (2-5 Hours) ~~ ✧How long have you been playing Mineverse?✧ I have been playing on Mineverse since 2014. ~~ ✧Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)✧ I have not been banned on forums before. Although I have been banned in-game recently for glitch abuse on skywars and I am sorry for what I did. I also have hacked multiple times in the past when I was making stupid decisions and did not realize the damage I was causing to the community. Once again I am very sorry for my actions and regret what I did. ~~ ✧Do you have any past experience as a moderator?✧ Yes I do have past experience as a moderator from a server a couple of friends and I started. This server was a small server with around 20 players on. ~~ ✧Do you meet the requirements for staff?✧ Yes. ~~ ✧Conclusion✧ Thank you a ton for reading my application. I just have one thing to say for those who have read my whole application. I am truly sorry for my past behavior and I hope you can all forgive me. I’m slowly but surely changing my behavior with the help of a certain people. I would love to keep improving so please make sure you leave feedback.
Thank you for the support. I usually play Op Pvp, skywars, parkour, and kitpvp. Thanks for the good luck :p You almost got me there. Thanks for the support!
No support, sorry. Beautiful application, very detailed, but I never saw you ingame, and also work on activity on forums. I may reconsider. Good luck.
Neutral, I've never seen you in game even though we have the same timezones. Plus, I would like to see you on the forums a bit more as well as making more reports. Good luck.
Neutral, Slowly leaning towards support. Very nice & detailed application, You're very active on OPPvp & KitPvp. I suggest being more active on different gamemodes, Because I only see you on OPPvp most of the time. Also be more active on forums for my full support. Good luck!
No Support honestly i don't feel you are fit for the position right now, You need to do more reports. Goodluck.