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  • SA ✰ RMC_MoDz Moderator Application ✰

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by RMCOfficialTV, Mar 20, 2016.

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    1. RMCOfficialTV

      RMCOfficialTV Active Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      How Old Are You?
      12 soon 13 in october

      Your In Game Name

      What TimeZone Are You In?

      What County Do You Live In?

      What Languages Do You Speak?
      English / Swedish

      Why Do You Think You Should Become A Moderator?

      Everyone can say how amazing they are on an application and if you purely judge them on that then the chances are you will not be getting the whole truth. Some of the qualities I have that I think would make me a suitable moderator are listed below

      Anyone can say that they are active and that they spend lots of time playing on the servers however that is only half of it, I spend a large portion of my time not only playing mineverse trying to root out hackers, scammers and advertisers but also trying to assist people on the forums too, Currently I'm unable to help with reports due to not actually being a moderator but I do assist where I can.

      Knowledge of Moderating
      I could do something that everyone else does and just list the commands to ban mute and kick people from the server but that does not actually show any knowledge of moderating, that shows you can looks up a few commands on the minecraft wiki.
      (Yes I know previously I had done this but I had an epiphany)

      My knowledge of moderating has come from the countless reports that I have filed against rule breakers be them spammers, scammers, hackers or advertisers. I know what is bannable on this server, what is warnable and what is neither

      Due to my upbringing I've learned from a young age that if you want respect from someone then you need to show them respect first and believe me that is something that I am more than willing to do. I also know that people are going to give me a tough time and others of them are going to question my judgement but that happens in everyday life and it's something that I do already deal with outside of Minecraft.

      A Quick Learner
      Something that I would say is a skill is my ability to learn new traits and skills quickly, If the rules of the server change then the way I moderate will change, An example of this is when fly glitching on Skyblock became no longer bannable, Before this announcement I would actively report anyone who broke this rule however the moment it became no longer an offence I stopped.

      If someone asks for HELP then I am more than happy to help them out in whatever way I can however I do not just hand money or equipment out though. If anyone joins the game then I will be one of the first to say welcome. The skyblock plugin has a few major bugs which mean that sometimes people can't access their islands or have actually been kicked from their islands, this is when having knowledge on how the server works and a friendly nature can be really useful, I will openly admit I am not Janice and I don't think anyone can be like her but I am a genuinely kind and friendly person.

      Something that I already try to do is be helpful in game however I also try and do this on the forums too, this I will have to admit is not easy and I do miss things but I'm not a one man army, I wish to join the team and hopefully we can work together to make the server a better place.

      As I said above I do spend alot of time on the forums and most of that is spent in the introductions and help section where people may be struggling with recovering a lost donator rank or maybe do not understand which thread to post their infection map on to.

      Honest And Unbiased
      I will not lie to someone no matter who they are no matter what they have done to me or anybody else as something isn't worth saying if it isn't 100% honest. If you ask me a question then I will do my best to answer it and if I do then it will be the truth, however these questions need to be reasonable as I'm not going to just tell you my password and email address.

      It doesn't mater who you are, If you have broken the rules then I will report you, Cypriotmerks owns an account called Cryoz which was flying on skyblock around the period that it was bannable, he claimed to be a friend of Cypriots who told him about this glitch and said he could do it

      What I Want To Do
      Advertisers have begun to take over more and more and I know for a fact that it winds people up a lot and this is something that due to my activity and time zone I think that I could assist in cleaning up the server and removing all of these advertisers from the server as quick as possible this however isn't limited to just advertisers, I want to stop all types of rule breakers.

      Again I already support people mentally and emotionally in day to day life and I would simply be transferring my skills across to in game. I can't give any examples because whatever I hear from someone is strictly confidential if its about something in real life or about a serious topic.

      People need support to grow into good leaders and role models, without the support they probably will still become good role models but it will take a lot longer to do so.

      I work really well under pressure more so than when I'm not under pressure and I think this gives me a great advantage as no mater what is thrown at me I'll be capable of dealing with it, this could be an influx of reports or people asking for help. Also on this point I have a great memory which means if I see a name that I recognise then I will act accordingly to what my memory serves

      When I start something I don't just give up after 5 minutes because its hard work or boring, I will keep going at something until I am physically unable to do it any more. I am willing to be a mod till the end and that is something that I think is important, its fine to just promote a new moderator and then them to leave after a month but this means there is no continuity in the staff team, Yes there are quite a few members of staff that have been around for a long time for example Nanurz, Pile, Cannucksfan. I want to be one of these types of mods.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?


      Ingame: 2-4 hours

      Forums: Not so much but would be it now.


      Ingame: Up to 3-5 hours (sometimes considerably more)

      Forums: Not so much but would be it now.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      Long time but i dont remember

      Have you ever been banned in the past?

      No i dont have been banned on mineverse

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      I have been a moderator on a very unknown server and I even tried to run my own for a while which means I know the commands however have had very little opportunities to put this knowledge into practice.


      Final words

      Well I would just like to thank you for taking the time to read my application, Please leave any comments you want to make below and I will try and do my best in replying to them all as quickly as I can.

      Once again thank you for reading,

    2. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      -Be more active on forums and maybe add color for creativity? (Optional)
      -Never met you ingame
      ~Good luck! :)
    3. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      • Make it easier to read (Color to separate stuff)
      • You just joined forums today
      • be more active on forums
      • get to know the forum community
      • Never see you in game.
      Best of Luck! :>
    4. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      This application is plagiarized from Kinsey's application. Nice try though.

      Click here to see.

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