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  • OCE ✰ Elrak's Moderator Application ✰

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by elrak, Mar 19, 2016.

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    1. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      How old are you?
      I am 15 years old.

      Your in-game name:
      Elric although I play on Elrak, I'd like Elric to be promoted if I do get promoted due to security reasons.

      What timezone are you in?
      UTC +10

      What country do you live in?
      Australia, New South Wales.

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      I own Fraps and I use the in-game screenshot feature and Gyazo.

      Do you have 2FA enabled? True/False


      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      I have many reasons on why I believe I should be a moderator, sadly, most of them are unoriginal but I'll be listing my traits and why I believe I should be a moderator.

      I am friendly, any player can approach me and I'll treat them with respect. I enjoy being there for the player and helping players, it makes the player and myself feel happy. I try to help out whatever I can in the community, I understand that I was toxic a while ago but I have changed and you can take my word for that. Kindness is what the players need and deserve and I can give them what they deserve.

      I am active, I'm usually on for about 2 hour each day which can range from 2-7 hours. I come home from school at 3:30 PM and usually stay up until 12:00 AM. This allows me to handle reports, interact with the community in-game and on the forums. I'm pretty much on the forums all day since they're easy to access. I usually hop from game-mode to game-mode although I spend my time usually on Infection or OP PvP.

      I am well-known, this does not mean I should be a moderator but it means everyone knows me and I know them. Most of players nowadays complain that the new moderators are 'randies' and are new to the server, I've been here since the start of the server and I'm not planning on leaving until the server closes down. Being well-known allows me to interact with the players at an equal pace, they know me and I know them which allows us to talk it out unlike most players showing hostility to the new moderators.

      I know my hacks better than most people as I've been using a hack client for the past two years (I stopped two months ago). Since I've been using a hack client for half of the time I've been on minecraft this means that I have a lot of experience with them, I know how to catch ghosters and I know my head spins better than most people. This allows me to grind out reports without having to ask other staff players for advice on hacks.

      I'm a fast typer and I'm good with my grammar, it may not seem like it but this does take a large take in moderating. It allows me to quickly answer players questions with efficiency, it allows the players to understand what I'm saying to them, it allows me to deal with threads on the forums faster. My WPM is averaged at 98 with it peaking at 112.

      I'm extremely honest with everything I say and do, although, of course the little white lies are fine here and there. Most of the community already knows me as a brutally honest person. I'll stand up for what I believe in and I'm not afraid to do so. Being honest is an important trait as it builds trust and with trust you can do many things which would also expand my ability to help other players.

      I am experienced, I used to moderate Mineverse on which I learnt a lot of skills such as how to use Xenforo, how to answer players and treat them with the utmost respect, but the most important thing I learnt was that I learnt how to moderate properly. I learnt how to handle reports, how to moderate chat and how to interact with other staff members and work as a team.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      I'm usually on the server for about 1-5 hours everyday, it depends on what I'm doing that day.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      I've been playing Mineverse for three years now.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

      I've been banned many times and I have learnt from these past experiences, most of them were just me joking around but I have learnt that the type of joking around which gets you in trouble isn't worth joking about.

      I've been banned on the forums a lot too, rate abuse and flaming.

      As I said before, I've learnt from all of these mistakes and I've become the person who I am today.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      Yes, I used to moderate Mineverse which I moderated for about a month. Obviously, it isn't too long but it did give me the experience and the idea of how to moderate.

      I currently moderate the Mineverse Dubtrack Server, owned by Exstatisfy and CypriotMerkz. I'm extremely active on this server, usually on for about 8 hours daily and I'm always on to resolve a situation.


      I'd like to thank you all for reading and I want to ask all of you one thing, if you are my friend, please don't support just because of my that one reason. I want you to read through my application and see the change. It's your choice to support me, I don't want anything I say to influence that choice.

      I'd also like to thank all of the people who have helped me with the decision of applying, I truly do want to help Mineverse become a better server and I believe with my help that it will.

      If you have any ideas or suggestions which you have for my application, please put your input below.

      Thank you all! :happy:

      Last edited: May 16, 2016
    2. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      I 100% support you.

      Yeah you've hacked, scammed and been quite rude to people, but everyone learns from their mistakes and I know you have, you've definitely changed over these past few months and I'm proud of you.

      You're great at spotting hackers and we need someone like you, you're honest and really kind, I really hope you get mod again in the future. :) You've been with this community for so long and I wish you good luck. <3

      PS: I'm not being biased.
      - Alma
    3. Akn

      Akn Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2014
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      Neutral, I haven't seen you ingame in quite the while, and I haven't seen you become any more mature, but on the other side of the spectrum, I haven't seen you become any more immature.
    4. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      No support, reasons
      • Support
      • Support
      • Support

      I mean like, how can I not support you
    5. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Alright, thanks for reading anyway!

      Do you have any advice for my application and myself?
      Thanks for the support!
    6. Akn

      Akn Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2014
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      Activity, attitude adjustment ("happier" tone, more respectful, considerate of others)
    7. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Thank you Alma!!! :happy:
      I'm quite active as of now, usually on for about 3 hours or more, it's probably our timezones/different game-modes.

      I'll work on a happier tone, thanks for the advice! :)
    8. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      I can't support you
      It has been such a quick turn around from your attitude, you don't do as many reports either
    9. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Neutral. I feel like you're only pretending to be a nice person. I don't think you've changed at all, you're still who you always have been for the past few years and that you only want mod to gain peoples trust. Sorry, good luck
    10. Jhow

      Jhow Boss Member

      Jan 6, 2015
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      Support, You have been really mature these past months. I have also seen you in-game helping people which is great :) good luck
    11. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Support. Just, support.
      God, I don't even know how to begin, lmao. Let me just say, we may have had our differences in the past, and sure, I sort of hated you back then. But, we've both changed, and now I actually know your proper or better self.
      Yeah, you've hacked and scammed and have been disrespectful in the past, but, well, that was the past. And you have really made up for it, in my eyes. Because you've hacked before, you have gained knowledge on hacks and are good at spotting them.

      I do agree with some others, it was only just 3 months ago when you were the guy who showed a lack of immaturity and respect. But you've matured a lot since then, and you are different now.
      One thing I suggest though is to do some more reports, but then again I don't do too many either tbh.
      Good Luck Elrak :)
    12. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      I understand, I'll definitely work on doing more reports. The reason I don't too many reports is because it irritates my family when I upload videos as it lags our internet, leading to me having to upload at 2:00 am. Handling reports is much easier for me as it was easier for me when I used to moderate.

      I feel like I'm going to get this a lot in my application, I'll explain my side here:

      I won't explain the full story as it is quite personal, but I'll tell this.
      I really am trying to become a better person, I'm trying to interact with people and replace the cold heart I had only a few weeks ago. I really am trying to change, truth is, I've got a pretty hard life with my family and such, all the hatred from that would lead to me expressing it here, the only place I thought I could. I had a change of heart, I truly did. It's your choice to believe me if you want, I'm not enforcing it upon you.

      I don't understand what you mean by the trust statement so it'd be nice if you could elaborate on that. Besides that, got any advice for me? :D
      Thanks for the support!
      Thanks for the kind words, got any advice?
    13. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Like I said, try to do more reports when you can. You could also try be a tad more active but you're doing a good job of that already.
      Good luck :)
    14. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      I support. :troll:
    15. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Thanks for the support!
    16. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      You changed a lot.
    17. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Thanks for the support!
    18. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I really like you as a person now Elrak, but you have said some horrible things. And I know you have changed, drastically. Yet, my decision is neutral at the moment. No doubt, I will be back in a day or two, to leave my 100% support. I hope you understand.
      Have a nice day ;)
    19. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      I understand, thanks for the kind words!
    20. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Again, I am sorry. I know you have changed, and the fact that you have done that is astonishing, as I had a problem a while back, with ... people. And I didn't change like you have. Scrap what I said.
      Full support.
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