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  • NA ♥❣ Clxrity's Moderator Application ❣♥

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by clxrity, Jan 7, 2016.

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    1. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      I'll start my moderator application off my introducing myself. My name is MJ. I'm a 14 year old girl from Georgia. I've always been into the game minecraft, but Mineverse has struck my interest even more. I'm applying here today because I want to help this server, and I think I could do a good job at it.
      How old are you?
      I am 14 years old. I'll be 15 on May 3rd.

      Your in-game name:
      My in-game name is "Clxrity" at the moment. I don't plan to change it anytime soon.
      Click to see
      my past usernames

      What timezone are you in?
      I am in the Eastern Standard Timezone.
      (EST) GMT-5

      What country do you live in?
      I live in the United States of America. (USA)

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak fluent English and roughly Spanish. English is my main language. However, I can speak Spanish too but not quite as clear. Either way, I will do my best to assist someone of another language.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?
      Yes, I have the ability to capture evidence in any necessary case. I can screenshot while in-game using the built in minecraft feature. I also, can use gyazo to capture evidence outside of minecraft. As far as recording hackers and such, I use bandicam to screen-cast.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      Moderators are here to help, and that's exactly what I want to do. I'm willing to put the time and effort into moderating here. I want to clear the server of hackers. Of course, I know that's impossible; but I would do all I can to remove as many as possible. I want to be a moderator to also keep the chats clean. Creative is one of the main places this is an issue. As a mod, I would do my best to moderate the chat there, and any other game-modes as well. I want to keep the forums clean and organized, too. Members will sometimes post threads in the wrong sections, break rules, ect. One of a mod's jobs is to help out with that, and I'm all up for it. Also, a good bit of our moderators resign due to the hatred players give to them. Honestly, if players are rude to me, it doesn't bother me the slightest. Therefor, you wouldn't have to worry about me resigning for that.
      Below I have listed some traits that I find in myself, and I believe reflect on my ability to make a good mod.

      I know my way around Mineverse, which I believe any mod should. I know the rules of both forums and in-game. I'm familiar with the economy and plugins on all game-modes, making it so I can help with any questions players may have. I'm also very familiar with hacks, I can determine whether a player should be banned for hacking or not in an appropriate case.
      Bias refers to favoring, or not favoring one person over another. I am not biased. In any case, if a player breaks a rule, they will be punished. I do not listen to one player over another, and I most certainly do my best to make sure each and every player is treated fairly.
      No matter the situation, I always give my honest opinion. I own up to my mistakes. You can always expect me to give you my honest thoughts. I'm also not a "crowd-follower". If there's a suggestion in which has many "no-supports", but I actually like the suggestion - I will support. I'm not afraid of what others think of my opinion.
      I simply enjoy helping players, really. If a player has an issue, I do all in my power to help. At any time if someone has a question, I will answer. I find it very important that a player is having fun and understands the game, you can count on me to help out in any case.
      I know what is expected of a moderator, I will do what is expected of me. I'm aware of all the commands & powers of a mod, I won't abuse them and only use them for necessary cases. You can know that I won't give out false information. You can count on me that I will be careful as to not make false bans. I'll do my best to handle things responsibly.
      I'm very calm in hard times. I have witnessed very many situations where the chat gets hectic, and it's even tough for mods to handle it. I find myself good in those type of situations. I can talk easily and calm people down. Mods get a lot of hate, and pressure from players to do their job better, in which I have mentioned earlier in my application. This happens to cause a lot of moderators to resign, and being the calm person I am; these types of things don't bother me. I can also, as I said, usually "de-flame" the situation.
      Being a respectful person, how can that possibly be a bad thing. You can expect me to be reasonable and understand you, I'm caring and will always be respectful to anybody.
      There are no words to describe how much I care for this server. I've created a vast amount of threads in an attempt to further improve Mineverse. I report players very often, to make the server as clean as possible. I help out whenever I can. I must say, I truly do care for the well-being of Mineverse. My care would continue and go further as a moderator.
      Well-Rounded (game mode wise)
      By well-rounded, I'm referring to my love for each and every Mineverse game mode. I'm applying for the role of a global mod, I'm expected to moderate each game mode. That's not an issue for me, I spend fairly equal amounts of time on each game. Considering my activity global, I must say that I have fair amounts of knowledge regarding each game mode and could likely help someone with any questions they have regarding the game.
      I would like to think that I come across as warm and welcoming. I don't think anybody would be afraid to approach me, talk to me, or ask for help. Any player should feel welcome to ask me any questions; I'd be glad to help.
      I make many decisions in life, and try to refrain from making any I'm not confident in. I think my determination would help me as a moderator because my drive to do as I plan really drives me to do things in general. I believe my determination to be a good moderator here will only influence me to make the best decisions possible. It will influence me to be and do everything expected of a mod to the best of my ability.
      I am online, I would even say, too much. Being active is very important. I'm there if a player needs help. I am there if there are issues needed to be handled. I can handle reports often. If there's a time where I can't get to my laptop, I'll be browsing the forums on my phone. Mineverse is a place that I'm on very often, and I would consider myself fairly active.
      Time Management
      I'm very good at managing my time. I have time set aside for school and other activities, then I have time set for Mineverse. I must also point out, you will see me online at strange times for my particular time-zone. I'm usually online while not most of the moderators are offline. This being, I could handle the issues while no other mod is online to handle them.
      Being mature is a big part of a moderator. You must appear mature if you want players to take you seriously, and see you as an authority figure. I believe maturity is a trait that comes from adding all of my previous traits together. Being that I'm, helpful, honest, respectful, responsible, and non-biased, I can conclude that I'm mature.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Sunday / Saturday
      The weekends are the peak of my activity, like most. I don't have school and will be on for large amounts of time
      Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
      I'm usually in game 1-2 hours a day, not including days where I need to study and such. Forums, however, I'll be on all throughout the day.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I first joined Mineverse over, or around 2 years ago. Not until October of 2015 would I have considered myself an active player. I joined the forums, as can be seen on my profile, November 7th, 2015.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      No, I've never been banned on the forums or in-game.

      My warnings
      I have however been warned twice in-game. I feel that it is only fair that I explain and show you my mistakes:
      1) For being inappropriate. I was trying to be funny at the time, and I must say I shouldn't of been talking like this. I can provide a link to the report for anyone who wishes to see it.
      2) The other time I received a warning was for racism. I'm not a racist person, I honestly wasn't trying to be offensive. I was trying to joke with someone, but I ended up offending someone else. Click the spoiler for a summarized story of this occurrence:
      I greeted my friend who came online by saying "What's up (n)" [I didn't actually use the n-word, but I made an abbreviation so that my friend understood what I was saying] The friend I was saying it to was not offended or anything, but a fellow player was then offended by me saying this, and I argued with him by telling him "It's a joke", and another player began to 'back me up' and tell the offended player to "yeah, take a joke n-word". That player was then banned, and I was warned. If I could take back this incident, I would. I will end off by saying that I was truly not trying to be offensive. I have apologized, and this player and I have since then made up.
      I hope no one looks down upon me from these situations. I can say I have changed and matured since then. Again, I'm sorry for those times.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes, I have a bit of experience moderating on other servers:

      Server owned my "Maverty". Promoted over 2 years ago, and served as an Administrator for 3 months.
      First time I was ever a moderator, I was an Administrator/Developer for a friend's server. Not a big server at all, and I actually don't know the server's current status. I was just there to help get them started with plugins and such.

      Server owned by me, under the username "MJPriv91". I can link the old server website for anyone who wishes to view it.
      As a result of helping to develop that server, I was then inspired to create one of my own. My server had an average of around 20 players on at a time for the 4 months I kept it up. It was called "IntexLord".

      Server owned by "Frostys_Flames". Promoted around a year and a half ago. I can link the old server website for anyone who wishes to view as well.
      My most recent experience with being a moderator was when I was "Helper" (the rank before moderator on this particular server) for a server called "FrostCraft". I helped out there for around 2 or 3 months before the server went inactive. This server had around 50 players on at a time when it was up.

      Thank you for taking the time to read my application. If you happen to no support, I would love for you to explain why and possibly give me advice as to how I could further improve.

      I also would love if you gave your truly honest opinion. I of course appreciate any support, but don't feel the need to support me just because someone else did. Any constructive criticism could potentially help me.

      ~ Clxrity :)
      Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
    2. Shantaram

      Shantaram Experienced Member

      Sep 28, 2014
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      Support, I see you around a lot :]
    3. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks Ben <3
    4. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support ;)
    5. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks so much :)
    6. Jhow

      Jhow Boss Member

      Jan 6, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Support :)
    7. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      My God, Girl.

      Support :>
    8. dankmeme

      dankmeme Experienced Member

      Dec 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      If I said no support U
      You'll cut meh head off so.... Support!(Hehehe)
    9. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I support.
    10. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I'd like you to do more reports before I support this.
      Also I'm not sure I've seen you enough times in-game.
      I'll reconsider in the future
      No Support.
    11. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
    12. Tazzzle

      Tazzzle Experienced Member

      May 10, 2014
      Likes Received:
    13. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
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    14. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thank you for the support <3
      Thanks for the advice. I will do more reports. I've seen you ingame quite a few times, but next time I see you I'll be sure to say hello :).
      Thank you <3
    15. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support.
    16. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Any way I could improve?
    17. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
      Likes Received:
      You are new to me and I haven't see you in-game.
    18. MayIsBae

      MayIsBae Active Member

      Jan 1, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Support! :p love ya <3
    19. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I'm in game all the time. What gamemodes do you generally play?
      Thanks, love you more <3
    20. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support <33
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