Neutral as I have never seen you, probably time zone difference, but you seem nice enough but I can't judge by an application as everyone is as nice as possible in their app. However if I see you on I may be inclined to support. Edit: I've seen you on. Support. Good luck ;D.
I loved your application! As being an Owner on a server, you would definitely meet my requirements!! <3 Good luck!
Try and become more active on other gamemodes, and prove me that you are active on other gamemodes with numerous ways to do so. Other than that, neutral.
Thank you for your input, Ordi. I usually play on the gamemodes I enjoy most, but I do agree that I should play on others, I'm currently am working on expanding the gamemodes I play on, I've recently started logging onto Infection and Prison more often. I usually just play on the gamemodes with more people on it, I do agree that I need to be more active on other gamemodes, though. Thank you for reading the application.
fast typer or funny has nothing to do with it that kinda throws away some chances and never seen you in game so eh no support sry
I've seen it on some other accepted moderator applications, I at first was iffy about adding it, but I do have 11 other reasons other than funny or fast typer, so I don't think you should base it off of that lol. Maybe we havent seen eachother because of timezone reasons or you just don't play the same gamemodes as I do. Thank you for reading my application and putting your input on it, though.