You can't really say that you made mistakes and you learned from It because you legit were muted yesterday. Your not very active. You tend to not say the right things. Your name Is purge which Is pretty much my name.
I'm online every day :( I'm active! Well sorry you're basing me off the past. Purge is my favorite movie sorry if you are mad. I will not reply to anything more than this if needed contact me in PM to stop any spam.
Here's some constructive criticism :P Usually you end a question with a question mark. It's not deticated, it's dedicated. This part doesn't make much sense. "I do English"... "I speak English" sounds more professional. ??? Okay in general you seem like a kind person. But you have so many grammar and spelling mistakes. It's hard to understand what you're trying to talk about. Sticking with no support, sorry.
It sorta does. Some of your sentences make zero sense whatsoever. What if a player is trying to ask you a question and your response confuses them?
I don't really care about you bashing on me for my simple mastake so please get off my application pronto
Sorry, but I am going to have to go with no support as I do not believe you are entirely ready for the position yet. Good luck though!
Its not really the past, it was yesterday. She's not bashing on you at all; she's trying to give you a bit of constructive criticism to help you get moderator. No support: Never seen you in-game (MST and PST are the same time right now). Lots of grammar mistakes, some sentences I don't understand. Muted yesterday for post farming. Good luck.
Ok thanks for taking the time to reply to my application I understand your concern and am working extremely hard to make this possible. I understand
No support, sorry. You can be immature or rude at times and I just don't think you're ready for this.