So I know somebody else has made a thread like this, but I'm going to be trying to add almost all the Problems on Skyblock that NEED to be fixed as soon as possible. In this thread, I'm going to be trying to add the list of issues in this game mode. Make sure you leave a support if you play Skyblock so that we could finally enjoy without having any issues. And if I missed out any bugs *which I probably will* just add them into the comments below, and I'll add it to this thread. :D The hopper issue, Now this issue has been around for a while and EVERYBODY has been hating this. This is probably the biggest issue because on sky block everybody needs hoppers for Mob Grinders and Redstone projects. So I suggest before anything else being fixed, this should be fixed first. Some people have been having this issue when they try inviting friends to there island, And it would add their friends to the island, but they wouldn't have access to anything. Such as opening doors and breaking blocks. But some people (such as me and @Prin ) Have been lucky enough to be able to add others to our island. And the problem that @Awrightgirl figured out, which was when you did /is party, all the players in a party would show up as "null"and another problem she figured out *which I'm not really sure if it is resolved yet* when she/someone trys doing /is kick It would say something in the chat saying "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command" Which, that command is very helpful just incase anyone is trying to grief you, you could simply just do that command; But since it doesn't work, Lots of troubles will start to occur and complaints as well. And some people have been duplicating and I'm not sure if it's possible if they could patch up some way to stop duplicating and of course try to patch up the hack where people are hacking in items such as Red Sand. And also a glitch where spawn eggs only work when the server restarts for the first 5 minutes, which is pretty bad because when the server restarts I can't change the spawner with my spawn eggs because I am not in that time zone for when the server restarts. Another glitch is when you tame a pet, such as a wolf it disappears in seconds. And if the player went to another island, the wolf wouldn't follow the owner. And the wolf disappears when the owner leaves the pet and when the owner doesn't leave the pet. This is another one of the major issues that need to be fixed to. My brain is currently dead atm, I literally cannot remember the other glitches, If you remember them just comment them down below and I'll gladly add em to the list, and if any of the opinions on the list have been solved, Let me know and i'll remove it from the list. Make sure you tag @CypriotMerks and @Noobcrew so that *hopefully* they'll notice this and eventually resolve these issues on sky block. Thank you for reading, And I hope you have a safe and lovely day <3 x Best regards, -Emilyy
SUPPORT. I play Skyblock everyday, and I've been wanting to add some of my friends to my island. But apparently I already have the max people added to my island, I can't delete them, because they show up as "null" and I don't have a clue to who is added. It's been like this for awhile now and it really meeds to be fixed before I pull my hair out. lmao.
Support. But just fyi the reason hoppers are disabled is because they can be used to dupe items. that's the underlying reason why they're disabled.
Please add "An internal error has occurred" For some people (like me) it says that when performing any is command.
The hoppers isn't Mineverse's problem; it's minecraft itself. If they enable hoppers, then others will start duping items again and ruin the economy. Unless Microsoft fixes this issue, hoppers won't come back. However, a plug in could be made to fix this issue and prevent duping.