One word, Thoratisfy I see you around a lot and you're soo nice and ily :D If you have skype, you should pm me :lol: ppaarraaa, you are a great mod and we skyped before, but we haven't in awhile. Which we should because you are fab :t: You're really funny and we go to the same school :OO Which is crazzzy haha, but you're cool and we should really talk more
I've seen you in some gamemodes, but you seem like a really cool person and we should play a game sometime together :p
You're really cool from what I've seen on forums, and nice too :p If you have skype we should skype sometime :D
JANICE ILY YOU'RE A GREAT FRIEND, PERSON, MOD AND YOU JUST ARE SOO KIND <3 Keep being you You're really fun to talk to, and we should talk more :p
I've played a few Bed wars games and Hypixel games with you and you're really fun to play with Plus we wrecked together in a bedwars game :t: You are fabulous and ily. KEEP BEING YOU BB <3333