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  • Requirements Needed ☯~LePure's Moderator Application~☯

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Adorably, Dec 31, 2016.


    Would you like me to be moderator?

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    1. Adorably

      Adorably Active Member

      May 19, 2016
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      How old are you? 15

      Your in-game name: LePure

      What timezone are you in? UTC +03:00

      What country do you live in? Kuwait Pretty small country

      What languages do you speak? English and Arabic

      Why do you think you should become a mod?


      I tend to be very active on Forums and ingame. You will mostly see me on Oppvp, though I also play Creative. An active moderator is very helpful, because other mods have things to do in real life. My weekends are sort of boring, so I have a lot of extra time on my hands.


      I tend to know most things about banning, muting, and kicking someone from a server. I also can usually tell if someone is hacking or not.

      /ban (Username) (Reason)

      /mute (Player) (Time)

      /kick (Player) (Reason)

      /unban (Player)

      /unbanip (Player)


      Though I can be serious at times, I love to have fun. I get that I need to be respectful and straightforward, but it never hurts to have a little bit of enjoyment.


      People tell me I’m very mature for my age, which I am. I believe I am mature enough to become a moderator on this server.


      I used to report a lot of people, which has resulted in 6 pages of reports. Since I am active on forums, I would be able to handle a lot of reports. I can’t stand people who don’t follow the rules. Someone framed a player for hacking when they had a client that makes people look like they’re hacking. I know most of the rules, so I would be able to tell if the person is to be banned or not.


      I’m usually friendly with people, but sometimes they get on my nerves. I believe everyone should be treated with respect and kindness. There’s a saying that tells people to treat others how you want to be treated.

      Hackers, Scammers, Etc

      As I stated, I don’t particularly like people who disobey the rules. I find it rude and annoying. I haven’t been scammed before, but I can imagine it’s not fun. I have encountered MANY hackers before on Mineverse, and I want to help prevent that. I have been framed before, for saying something I would never say in public. A lot of people have been scammed before ingame, and I hate to think about people getting scammed.


      I tell the truth most of the time, because I think lying to people is wrong. And being honest is a big part of being a mod. If you lie to an admin, you get demoted. Some mods have gone corrupt, but I believe I can handle the job.


      I think I would be pretty helpful if I were on the staff team. Some staff need help with reports, threads, flame wars, etc. I would like to help resolve those issues, or at least try to

      As you guys know, a lot of the servers feature hackers, swearers, scammers, advertisers, etc. I have been playing OpPvp and such ever since I joined the server, and I see many of those people roaming around. Take Kitpvp for example. Every time I go on, I see at least 1 hacker. Hackers should be banned, and need to stop causing mayhem server wide. Scammers, swearers, and advertisers should have the same fate as well.

      Temper Management

      My temper is really good, but sometimes I get out of hand. Even if I do get angry, I usually calm down quickly and forget about it. But sometimes I need a little help calming down. Overall, I think my temper is great.


      I think my attitude is pretty good. I try to look on the positive side of situations. You will rarely see me raging out on someone. I don’t send out negative energy to other people. My aura is cheerful and positive.


      I am usually respectful towards other players. I do not offend people because of their race, color, or sexuality.


      When someone is feeling down, I try to cheer them up. I help them look on the bright side. If someone wants advice from me, I try the best I can. I believe in everyone. I know that everyone is nice inside, even if they don’t act like it.


      I have a lot of free time on my hands, since my school doesn’t give much homework. This results in me being very active. I would be happy to use this free time as moderating time on Mineverse.


      I am very organized. Organization is a habit of mine, which means my things are clean and tidy.


      I’m not exactly the lazy type. I like helping out with projects IRL, because I figure I have nothing better to do.


      I am very intelligent. My vocabulary is good, and my English is great. I am good at math too. I read books a lot, which results in me being good at English. I have good grades in school, and I can understand most words.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?


      Ingame: 3-5 hours

      Forums: 3-5 hours


      Ingame: 6-8 hours

      Forums: 3-6 hours

      How long have you been playing Mineverse? Over 3 years.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?

      Yes but it was a false ban

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      I have been moderator/admin on a non-popular server before, I have alot of experience.


      Thank you for reading my moderator application for Mineverse.com.
      Have a nice day~

    2. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse.
      Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed and take some time to get to know the community here on forums.

      Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
      Volunteers are always needed.
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