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  • ☣Reborn Oath☣ - Recruitment [NEW] Template/Rules

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Pressely, Nov 22, 2015.

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    1. Pressely

      Pressely Active Member

      Nov 7, 2015
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      If you are reading this on 11/22 you are one of the first to be able to sign up for RO, Reborn Oath,
      We are a new clan. looking for dedicated players and staff. Who are willing to be active.

      1. No inviting members if you are not the Staff Position [Recruiter]
      2. If you are/have been banned you will be denied/kicked out of the clan.
      3.You MUST be active.
      4. No killing fellow clan members.
      5. Just be yourself. We won't judge you.

      Some Information:

      Ranks Open-

      Admins (1)
      Owner - PresstehPancake
      Co-Owner - ????

      Staff (3)
      Recruiter - ????
      Clan Moderator - ????
      Clan Helper - ????

      Members (*)

      if you are accepted into the clan, and you are a donor. If you would like to follow these steps,
      please do.

      1. /pet chicken:baby
      2. /pet name &4[&3Member of ☣Reborn Oath☣&4] (You can copy and paste the ☣)
      3. /friend PressTehPancake OR Follow me on the forums.

      1. IGN (In Game Name)
      2. Rank (Donor Or Not)
      3. Level of pvp /10:
      4. How long can you be on?
      5. What Position in the clan would you prefer?
      6. Have you ever been banned, Why?
      7. Why do you want to be a part of RO-Reborn Oath?

      Your Application will be read and responded to within 48 hours of submission
      Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
    2. Loominati

      Loominati Experienced Member

      Nov 20, 2014
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      2. /pet name &4[&3Member of ☣Reborn Oath☣&4] (You can copy and paste the ☣)
      3. /friend PressTehPancake OR Follow me on the forums.

      Tbh I would join, it's just that the CONDITIONS. I won't accept them sorry.
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