Thanks for all the kindness guys, If I do get mod, I will be sure to serve the purpose I said in the application, now lets hope Cypriot gets here eventully.
?? What does that mean? Also, you don't even know me, try getting to know me before you rate an application.
No no, sorry, ok i said this really wrong :/ It was a great application. I do give support. I should of been more clear. The grammar and punctuation maybe needs a bit more work.
No Support. First of all, when there are No Moderators around you act dumb and start being mean to players. 2nd, you message me all the time saying "I am so going to be Mod in may, i feel it. 3rd, i know support doesn't matter, but that doesn't mean you have to repeat it over and over on my application, saying "support doesn't matter" "support is dumb, doesn't even matter" and you say i'm immature? You act like a little kid on infection saying "Hacker!!" or "stop killing me!" and although you might seem like you are a nice guy, it is very obvious you are Power hungry and you desperately want to be Mod, trying to convince yourself that everything is your way and that your going to get it all.
I'm with jarroy on this and yes I'm stealing what jarroy said above, but it's true you seem nice when there is a mod on And BOOM! Once the mod gets off the game, you start saying rude stuff and start to conplain. I remember one time you called a person an idiot. Sorry, I can't support
I truelly don't treat players mean, also, I said, Support doesn't matter only once, It's only After you just rate my post dumb I go more into detail, Stop being a Hypocrite, right after I don't support your app for a reason, you just come back & do the same, seriously, you need to stop.
I didn't even support you from the start, you're the one who kept PMing to support you, so I did, so you would stop bothering me, and don't say you've only said that on my l application once, I've seen you post it 3 times, and I rated your post dumb because you are literally saying that everyone that supports me is worthless. I don't think that, I love the people that support me, because they have faith in me and believe that I would do a great job. I wouldn't put them down and say "your support doesn't matter" you don't support my app because "support doesn't matter" and I for ONE rating. Lol.... Just get your facts right
I was showing him how people say it, that's not mean. Listen, I'm pretty sure you've stated your opinion of my application, I think you should leave. Also when I said Supports don't matter, I'm saying, that in the end, it doesn't come down to the amount of supports you have.
Mind explaining this? You rated 3 of my posts in a row dumb, That explains alot, huh? How you got mad at me on your application & started rating all of my posts Dumb?
It was quite obvious. And thats just one thing, I've done good things as well, your just looking for all of the very few bad things I've done.