iGlitcher, if you are 13 and your first language is English, according to what I gather from what you wrote in your application... How do you not know what that means?
Please, do not ask. I'm tired in the morning ;-;. If I would guess what it meant it would be try to eliminate things early or no paitience, Honestly I don't know. Tell me
Thanks for your input, do you have any reason? Edit: Listen Ok, You've already filled one whole page with rude comments. I don't want to hear it, I already know you don't support me, you don't need to stay and rub it in, please just go and leave this application be, I actually want feedback, not a arguement.
Deleted the back and forth. Please just support or no support and give you reasons. No reason to keep arguing. Gangsta I have banned you from replying to this thread for 7 days. You have been here long enough to know better.
What reason is keeping you from fully supporting? Spoiler Only Paul read ;) Spoiler is it because i called you gey and was just messing around with you? :t:
Not to be rude or anything but if you read Cypriots "How to judge an Applicant" Thread, it says don't judge people over a ban that took place like 1 1/3 years ago as they might have changed. I might need to edit the application and add dates to that. Thanks for your input though! Glad you like the application
Support. the problem with moderator's these days is that they don't spend enough time on the servers. with your hour's you can make a difference.