Pretty good mod app. Only thing I would like to say is try not to spam your app. Other then that 99.9% support
No offense dude but this is what I mean. If you have this many things to say then edit them to 1 or 2 posts
You just added an !. Seriously, we don't need to know about every little detail, just stop spamming the thread, please.
*guard :P Hey glitcher. To quote people, you'll see near the icons under "dumb" is something that says reply. Use that.
Please stop saying "lol". Also, it seems like you spent little to no time working on the application. There are a lot of grammar problems. Sorry for being knit picky, but if you want mod you have to try your hardest at all times.
I don't know what your talking about but my app has lots of detail, my computer is very laggy it's not my fault Please stay on topic.