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  • Inactive ★ ♥ Swift's Moderator Reapplication ♥ ★

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Swift, May 21, 2019.

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    1. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Yeah 100% no support, it just seems that you don't actually care about my opinion and you are just making a joke out of it.

      I'm still really confused by what you mean, I no supported you and now you're saying I'm in a "phase" o_o jeez me. I would go off and complain about this but it's pretty self-explanatory of how rude that is.

      You seem like a stuck up in all honesty and it feels like you would be the type of person who wouldn't take no as an answer.

      I'm sticking with no support.
    2. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Sorry you saw it that way but that's how I saw it seeing at how you've been acting recently. I'm not sure if I should take this seriously or not. If I didn't care I wouldn't have made the application mind you ;). You base everything you say off your assumptions but since you've never actually communicated with me before this, can you really say these things are true? I'd say I have taken nos plenty of times but since you've never looked into this you only can guess. Have a good day nonetheless :D
    3. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      No support.


      What the hell is this?
      What kind of person reports someone because they say "hell yeah" and "sht"?

      Just by the fact that your application started an instant dispute, I may even call it a flame war, I can tell that a lot of people hate you and some people like you. Your personality seems very self-righteous, and by the number of pointless reports you do, I will even go ahead and say that you have a skewed moral compass.

      I believe the community is looking for relaxed moderators that take care of hackers and keep the community free from toxicity. You, on the other hand, will be the cause of many arguments by shown by your aggressive personality.

      This may just be my perspective, but it is what I think and I will stick by my gut feeling.

      This sums up my point. He may have made an incorrect accusation and may have been toxic, but I would not expect a future moderator and even a nice player to write something like this.

      Also, these
      Whenever you get a positive response, however, you write something like this:
      A moderator does not discriminate his comments based on his preference of players. Your bias towards other people is expected, but it should not be so apparent that it sounds like you are insulting him.

      ^ what he said
      Last edited: Jun 7, 2019
    4. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      You know if it wasn't an acceptable report it wouldn't have been accepted ;). Maybe I would have just let it slide if it wasn't a current applicant because I feel that the community should see what type of players they're supporting including you. You come over here and no support me for reasons that other applicants you support are also doing? Call my reports pointless when many of the people you are supporting are also reporting for profanity usage. I don't report for "hell yeah" but I'm welcoming you to search for it lol.

      I do hope you realize I was moderator and I mean I don't recall any staff reports on me or me getting demoted which I would think starting arguments would have shed light on :).

      Sorry that you don't believe people should defend themselves to incorrect assumptions but that's something that happens and moderators do it too.

      The fact you claim that I'm basically toxic when you haven't even seen me in-game only at all is pretty absurd. You've seen me on what just my application where I decide to defend myself when need be? If massive flaming had happened here then I would think the moderators would have deleted it but I've seen nothing of the sort.

      Thank you for your feedback nonetheless as I like people who gives reasons to no support compared to nothing.
    5. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      Why are you altering the meaning of what I'm saying?
      I never said that you shouldn't defend yourself, nor did I ever say that you were toxic; I wrote, "aggressive personality". Also, I never said that I saw you in-game, and I specifically wrote, "This may just be my perspective" to address that issue from coming up, but you apparently missed that part. Furthermore, I never said your reports were pointless, I said, and I quote, " number of pointless reports you do", which has a completely different meaning. Don't try to portray me as a unjustly biased person by incorrectly changing what I'm trying to say.

      I know you were a previous moderator. I don't care that you weren't demoted. I simply gave my take on your application, which led me to believe that you were a self-righteous person who can't respond to criticism professionally, even if this is just a minecraft server. Also, I never mentioned any of the people I supported except for the last part, which I said I agreed to @Lamborghini . I would not judge someone based on what other people have said, nor am I saying that my no-support is accurate, because, as I said, I have never seen you in-game except once in OP-PVP.

      I stated my reasons for my no-support, so accept it and move on. Don't make this into another one of your arguments that you'll probably screenshot to use against me in the future.
    6. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I mean you're changing your words from my understanding now, I meant another part and then you quote something else and I never said you mentioned anything about your supports I'm not really sure you read/understood what I said about that part. I'm gonna leave it there and I was not trying to gain your support because clearly you gave your reasons absurd or not in my opinion and there's not gonna be change in that. I can tell from that last sentence that you're one of the toxic players who say I report everything and everyone and I don't need that in my application. From how I understand your reply you're twisting what I say from what I understood in your post, but that's just me.
      Last edited: Jun 7, 2019
    7. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      @Red. @Methylone @Porky @Pastel @Sando3 @Dumpling @Baby @trinityy @Simons4u @Ruminisque @White @JustExposed @zBuild @TurtleKeeper22 @Boobalyboo @Max @AcePvP @Express555 @prins545
      Just the people who supported who I think should see this post and rethink your support. It's fine if you don't change it, just my last posts and this one

      You're the one who's twisting what I'm saying... You accused me of saying things that were not in my post, such as me calling you toxic and saying that you shouldn't defend yourself. If you actually read my post instead of retaliating in a hostile manner, you would have been able to catch up on that instead of saying that I said things I didn't say.

      For example,
      Look at my post. I'll even paste it here.
      Look at it carefully. Get it in your brain.
      Did I say that you report everything and everyone?

      You're talking about yourself man.
      Let me illuminate this for you.

      I never said that you shouldn't defend yourself. I said, for a future mod, I would not expect such a response from someone. By "such a response", I mean hostile, in case you didn't notice that.

      I'm not twisting what you're saying. You're twisting what I'm saying.
      I never said your reports are pointless.
      Stop saying such BS. That was you.

      I know that you're an argumentative person. I know you like to report others. Therefore, I told you to stop replying in a hostile way to my responses and to move on, which you obviously didn't because you want to get the last word.

      The fact that you use your previous position to justify getting it back is outrageous. We don't need people like you who feel that they deserve to be mod just because they've been mod before.

      I admit that I am toxic on moderator applications for people whom I am suspicious of. And guess what? It worked.
      I knew you would write something like this, that twisted everything I said to portray me like the bad guy. I know I stand for many who do not want someone like this as moderator. For people you don't like, you give hostile responses and try to show yourself as the good guy who's being victimized. However, whenever you get a nice response, you reply with things like,

      Do you see the contrast? You're so self-indulged and self-righteous that it's obvious you wouldn't be a good leader.

      I believe I've said everything I believe should be mentioned. Good luck with your application, and although I will be expecting another response from you trying to prove that I'm wrong, I will not be replying anymore. I gave necessary proof that explains my no-support.
    8. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Your response is just super duper out of proportion that I don't even know how to respond to such claims.
      You're doing what I said previously again to make me look worse and sure in some eyes to the people you tag I'm sure they will agree with you and change their opinion of me which is fine. I was not aggressive or trying to be in any of my no support replies I am only trying to get what I believe said. I never said I was perfect, that I would be the perfect moderator or that I have no flaws. If you want to use that against me then fine, that's a valid reason cause they could seem rude. But don't say you didn't say things that you did say before. That's all since you're not going to respond anymore and good day.
      Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
    9. Connor_

      Connor_ Well-Known Member

      May 16, 2015
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    10. AcePvP

      AcePvP Active Member

      Apr 13, 2019
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      Re support, swift would make a perfect mod
    11. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Thanks for your support Connor.

      Thank you for your re-supports, appreciated.
    12. phatguy19

      phatguy19 Active Member

      Jun 8, 2019
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      support your active af
    13. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Thank you for your support phatguy.
    14. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      I'm sorry but No Support.
      ( - ) Not active.
      ( - ) Very childish.
      ( - ) Like @Accept said you don't seem fit for the position.

      Good luck!
    15. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      If you're going to give me reasons at least have ones that are true because I'm online a lot. :) Many can vouch for me on that even.
      He may say that but I've been moderator on here before so I obviously have done this position before and well too. I've had no issues on my other moderator application where I had also responded more seriously yet still got accepted.
    16. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      This is why I said no support you try to start fights with other people when they state their opinion on you and your mod application. Those are valid reasons.

      Still sticking with no support.
    17. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Sorry, but it does not feel right especially when your opinion is not correct. Don't list reasons to no support me if they're not true, I'm not gonna let people put things that are false without defending myself especially when you call me inactive. You're the only one to say that so maybe consider that more?
    18. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Read my words. Calling someone immature and childish who likes to try to start arguments is a valid fact. These are true reasons I bet many others would agree. And what game modes do you play?
    19. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I didn't claim for those reasons to be false. That's your opinion and I am fine with you having it, it's not up to me to tell you what to think or what to believe. If you're stuck on a certain opinion then I'll try to change it but I can't be certain I will. The inactive one is the only one I am defending myself from as I play skyblock, op pvp and kitpvp daily.
    20. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Ok, I'm on kitpvp all the time and I never see you... Good luck on your mod app.
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