There have been so many of these suggestions and I say this every time. @CypriotMerks has stated in the past that the minimum amount of subs for a YouTuber rank would have to be 15000. Even then, the YouTuber may want to play on more populated servers. I'm not saying I don't like the idea, I just don't think it's going to happen anytime soon.
I don't understand why it would be 15k. That's not even the capacity of Mineverse. You'd have to be popular on all around servers for that.
There have been multiple famous youtubers with over 15000 subscribers which have played on the server and recorded, Deadlox and someone else which I can't remember. As said above, the requirements to get a youtuber rank would be 15k subs which none of us have, so it's a no support from me.
For mineverse that's impossível. "I don't understand why it would be 15k. That's not even the capacity of Mineverse. You'd have to be popular on all around servers for that." With 15k I wouldn't record on mineverse
We don't have because we don t have a youtuber rank. I have seen youtubers with 200k on Brazilian servers with 200 players just bc the rank, and bc they won a lots of subs too
Cypriot did say that you need to have 15k+ subs and that you have to be well-known in the youtube community, so that won't happen any time soon.