I don't need to see you in-game to know that you're a perfect fit for the job. You're clearly mature as well as open-minded, which a lot of people lack in contrast to you. Your application alone has convinced me that you'd be a great staff member for Mineverse and I'd love to see what you could further do for the community if/when you are promoted. Good luck, hope you make the team soon!
I have seen what you said on Novy's application. It looks exactly like what a moderator would say. S U P P O R T
T H A N K S <3 Thank you. Is there anything else you would like me to improve on, as I'm not sure how I could really work on that except for waiting.
It is not fair to ask you to lose sleep trying to be active in other people's timezones, as much as you target yourself it I don't think it is reasonable got anyone to ask you to do it, if it bothered them that much they could arrange to join you at a time that fits you both. As for doing more reports I would say without a second doubt you are one of the top 5 reporters if not in the top 3 at the moment. If you want some pointers to improve I would say possibly help out in the help section. If you know how to help someone then demonstrate it and show everyone the kind of person you are. Otherwise support, this is a good application and I wish you luck, would be awesome to have another EU mod.
I would really like to see everyone to prove my activity, but I do agree with you. My parents are very strict with bedtimes, so I cant stay up to see everyone (as much as I'd love to). Thank you so much! I'm still pushing myself to do more reports, so I hope to get into the definite top 3 I'll definitely be more active in 'help' in the future, I hope to prove how helpful I can be. Thank you so much Kinsey, it means so much to me!
I'm in Singapore, my timezone is GMT + 8.00 However, I'm getting slightly inactive as I'm sometimes practising on my building on another server. I do play OPFactions though. You can send me a friend request, so we can find some time to just hang out! (IGN: andrewswj)
Oh damn I thought you were with Whyte. I will be online in about 2 hours if that's ok, ill make a convo when I'm back. Thank again, hope to see you again